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Viewbix - Make YouTube Videos Interactive - Free Technology for Teachers. Found: Lost Pictures of New York Blizzard - are they yours? Youtube video. Easier watching of YouTube videos. Accessibility and Social Media. Social media can be a terrific way to share information with your customers, provide them with crucial support, and otherwise communicate with them. But almost all social media sites have accessibility problems. Though they are fairly accessible as a group, they do have a variety of issues which can decrease their effectiveness with a disabled market segment.

If you want your business to be able to connect with all your customers, you’ll need to be aware of these issues and what solutions are available for them. You are probably already taking advantage of social media by posting product videos on YouTube, conversing with customers through Twitter or Facebook, or performing any of the numerous functions available to you within the hundreds of other active social media web services.

Tools for Social Media Accessibility AccessibleTwitter offers a complete alternate interface to Twitter which is extremely accessible. Accessibility Tools Are Not Problem-Free Steps to Accessible Social Media. Social Media Policy - Dept of Justice, Victoria, Australia. Math Help for Parents And Their Kids. Machinima: Text 100 in Second Life (Introduction to SL)