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Facebook Twitter - All your stuff in one place that YOU own. How to write a good profile for your virtual world avatar (Or why I don’t care that you don’t bite…hard) The Second Life Bloggers Mix’n Match #1 blog posts are ready!

How to write a good profile for your virtual world avatar (Or why I don’t care that you don’t bite…hard)

Chestnut Rau is a Second Life avatar, blogger, Plurker and online socialiser. I’m not sure if I’ve met her in world, but I follow her on plurk and read her blog. Here she writes on writing a good profile, which should be useful for any Second Lifers out there. Anyway, on to her blog post: A complete and interesting profile is your calling card. OpenID Foundation. The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) promotes, protects and nurtures the OpenID community and technologies.

OpenID Foundation

The OpenID Foundation is a non-profit international standardization organization of individuals and companies committed to enabling, promoting and protecting OpenID technologies. Formed in June 2007, the foundation serves as a public trust organization representing the open community of developers, vendors, and users. OIDF assists the community by providing needed infrastructure and help in promoting and supporting expanded adoption of OpenID.