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Rotating Menu - wheel. Everything you wanted to know about WordPress 3.0 Menu Management. With the upcoming 3.0 release, WordPress is introducing a new user interface to help manage navigation menus, which simply means you’ll get a new page with some tools on it to help you add, delete, and arrange links. To utilize this feature, you must first activate it. Without activation, your menu management page will display nothing, but an error. If it’s currently inactive, in your WordPress administration panel, go to Appearance > Menus to see the error. How to Activate WordPress 3.0 Menu Management Add the following code to the functions.php file of your theme. While add_theme_support(‘menus’); is enough to activate the Menu Management page, the additional code around this necessary line makes sure if later or earlier versions of WordPress doesn’t have this feature then it will simply do nothing and cause no error.

What the code above means: The code above simply means if the Add Theme Support function exists, use that function to add Menus feature. Step by Step Where to place the code and. jQuery Keyboard Navigation Plugin | Mike Hostetler. Woo Navigation | WooThemes. Suckerfish Dropdown Menu. Multi-level Navigation CSS Generator (suckerfish) Dropdown Menu CSS Generator This is a very old tool I built many years ago. It is still very popular, so I am leaving it here for those who still wish to use it.

Welcome to the dropdown menu CSS generator. By modifying the options below, you can generate a restyled dropdown navigation above. You can copy and paste the CSS generated from the box further down the page. CSS Code Paste the following code into your CSS file. Implementation <ul id="suckerfishnav" class="sf-menu"><li><a href="">Tomato</a></li><li><a href="">Capsicum</a></li><li><a href="">Cucumber</a></li></ul> Note: This is a very old tool I created a long time ago.

Validating drop down cross-browser menu. Information Ok, you asked for it.... so now you've got it. A drop-down, cascading menu using JUST css, no javascript or IE behaviors, that works in IE, Firefox and Opera, uses just one menu and passes w3c validation without messing with the ! Doctype. Opera 8 refuses to place the menu over the Google ads, but Opera 9 cures this. As with my 'Link Calendar', this one uses IE conditional comments to hide the IE only CSS and the additional links required to open each menu and submenu. The links are held in tables (the only way that IE will work with nested links), which in turn are held in unordered nested lists.

In this way, with css off, the links will degrade to a nested unordered list as one would expect. If you want to play with this one, be warned, it is very tricky as you are playing with parallel css files and a dual purpose menu. I have literally been trying to perfect this method for several months, but the breakthrough came with the production of the 'Link Calendar'. Enjoy... The xhtml. Suckerfish Dropdowns - Two Level Bones - Keyboard Accessible.

Welcome to the world of Perciformes - perch-like fish including the world famous Suckerfish Just press tab to cycle through menu items. (Or <ctrl> + down arrow in Opera - i.e. whatever you usually use on the keyboard to cycle through links.) Then try a standards complient browser, eg Firefox, with javascript off. Better than nothing? I think so. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suckerfish Dropdowns by Patrick Griffiths and Dan Webb. Keyboard Accessibility by Matthew Carroll. Benefits of this solution: With javascript on: Menu is keyboard accessible. Possible disadvantage of this solution: You can use the keyboard and mouse at the same time, thereby being in more than one place on the menu. Changes from original 'Son of Suckerfish' menus: Uses ie5/mac javascript fixes from Uses additional javascript to select menu list items based on the properties of their child anchors (something you can't yet do in css).

Dropdown low down — Tyssen Design. CSS Menu, CSS Vertical Menu, Vertical Drop Down Menu. Son of Suckerfish Dropdowns. Single-level Dropdowns Right. Let's not beat around the bush. The initial HTML we're dealing with will look something like this: <ul id="nav"><li><a href="#">Percoidei</a><ul><li><a href="#">Remoras</a></li><li><a href="#">Tilefishes</a></li><li><a href="#">Bluefishes</a></li><li><a href="#">Tigerfishes</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="#">Anabantoidei</a><ul><li><a href="#">Climbing perches</a></li><li><a href="#">Labyrinthfishes</a></li><li><a href="#">Kissing gouramis</a></li><li><a href="#">Pike-heads</a></li><li><a href="#">Giant gouramis</a></li></ul></li></ul> A good wholesome structured unordered list.

To set things up we need some basic styling: Note that you need to specify a width in the #nav li selector or else Opera will chuck a wobbly. The CSS specs say that top, right, bottom and left values should offset an absolutely positioned box from its containing block. And there you go. Multi-level Dropdowns There are a few things we need to add to the single-level method. Examples. CSS DropDown Menu Tutorial Page 2. Using the DOM to keep current navigation state. Lately, I have been working on "plug-and-play" solutions (e.g., popup windows, FAQ page) that free HTML documents of unnecessary attributes.

This time, it is Gez Lemon's excellent ECMAScript menu article that gave me the idea to write a script that helps to create very lean navigation menus. This solution does not need any hooks besides an ID for the menu (or the ID of any parent element, for that matter). This is what it'll do for you: It replaces the current anchor with an EM element or plugs a class in that anchor (both options are available to you).It lets you set exceptions in case you wish to treat certain anchors differently (as it does with the "home" link in the sidebar on this page, for example).It can be used with more than one menu per document. What it will save you from: Like many web designers/developers, I've been using CSS for years to style current anchors in navigation menus.

In the beginning, I was using a class or an ID to style the element differently. An ID. Horizontal Accordion - jquery - portal Zine. The Principles of Good Web Design Part 1: Layout – Inspect Element - Web Design & Development Blog. 17th September, 2009 Tom Kenny Articles Good web design doesn’t just appear out of nowhere, there are many aspects of design that come together to achieve this. The first one that we’ll be looking in this 4-part-series is layout. Layout is an interesting beast. There are no definitive right or wrong ways of approaching it. What you need to do is make sure that the layout works for the site that you are designing. Layout primarily consists of the following aspects: Whitespace Whitespace is space between elements on a page.

Five Simple Steps Effective use of whitespace as seen on Five Simple Steps As you can see above, Mark Boulton has done a great job of using whitespace to promote his book, allowing elements such as buttons and text paragraphs to ‘breathe’ giving them the attention they deserve. Flow Flow in web design is the act of guiding the user through page. Fever The website for Fever is a superb example of flow in web design Alignment Alignment helps create a good flow. 13 Awesome Javascript CSS Menus. Oct 31 2007 Every web designer tries to be creative when it comes to designing the main navigation of the website.

Now we present you with 13 awesome Javascript CSS menus that will be very handy and easy to modify to suit your needs. Lets take a look at recent examples of these … 1) Sexy Sliding Menu – Andrew Sellick decided to use mootools due to the smoothness of their effects, however, he developed a sliding menu using . Demo: Mootols Version Demo: Script.aculo.usVersion 2) FastFind Menu Script – This script allows for nested menus, based on dynamic “AJAX” responses. Demo: FastFind Menu 3) Webber 2.0 Dock Menu – Great example of a dock type navigation. Demo: Webber 2.0 Dock Menu 4) Phatfusion- Image Menu – Image menu using javascript, onClick event keeps selected item open and to close it again.

Demo: Phatfusion- Image Menu Demo: Mootools version with XML parser 5) Drag and Drop ordering in a TreePanel – This example shows basic drag and drop node moving in a tree. Homepage.