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Coconut Whippuccino: would you like espresso with that whip? Apparently today is National Coffee Day.

Coconut Whippuccino: would you like espresso with that whip?

Seems timely for me since I just recently reignited my espresso habit. And it's all thanks to this drink: The Coconut Whippuccino. Vegan Pumpkin Pudding! Five Ingredients, Five Mins. This sweet treat of Pumpkin Pudding is a creamy blend of fall spices, maple syrup and cozy pumpkin.

Vegan Pumpkin Pudding! Five Ingredients, Five Mins.

Pumpkin pie flavors of nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger are swirled into each spoonful. This is my go-to dessert recipe for fall because it is so simple to prepare in a flash. As easy to make as a smoothie. Yet elegant enough to serve at a fall dinner party. And even better, it's totally good for you! Craving something sweet? Healthy Pudding! 1 Cup Canned Pumpkin contains: 83 calories 1g fat7g fiber 3g protein763% RDA vitamin A 19% RDA iron 17% RDA vitamin C49% RDA vitamin K 14% RDA potassium. Locations & Hours. Cherry Raspberry Parfait. I just got a look at the forecast here in New Hampshire for the next couple days.

Cherry Raspberry Parfait

I generally don’t like when the icon shows a cactus, it generally means that the weather will be disagreeable to a cold-lover like me. You know how everyone signs up for gym memberships in the winter? I sign up in the summer. I just don’t take heat and humidity at all. That’s why I love this treat. It’s just a basic vegan overnight oats, vegan raw raspberry soft serve and rainier cherries. It’s an incredible and healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert on those days when you feel like you could melt. The layers I used are simple. Buckwheat Groats Basic Vegan Overnight Oats (see below)Raw Vegan Raspberry Soft Serve (see below)Quinoa PuffsRainier Cherries (my new favorites!)

Oh my, one really should only write posts like this while eating the treat. Recipe: Buckwheat Groats Basic VOO Ingredients Instructions Mix together in a bowl. Preparation time: 5 minute(s) Chocolate Green Tea Pudding. Sometimes when I try to come up with a new recipe, it doesn’t work out so well.

Chocolate Green Tea Pudding

These were supposed to be truffles. But I messed with the conversions a little and ended up with not-so-solid chocolate mousse. Adding almond flour didn’t help either. What’s a girl to do? I ate them as pudding. Probably would work out just as well if you didn’t add the almond flour, but that’s protein. As for the green tea, the chocolate really overpowers the flavor. By the way, this recipe is adapted from one of my favorite French Canadian language recipe books: Cuisiner avec les Aliments contre le Cancer. Green tea chocolate truffle pudding by Miriam Wilcox Prep Time: 10 min Cook Time: 2 hours Keywords: dessert gluten-free vegan vegetarian chocolate pudding Ingredients (Serves 4) 1 cup non-dairy milk2 bags green tea1 1/2 cup 60% to 70% chocolate1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract1/2 cup almond flour Instructions Simmer packets of green tea in non-dairy milk and vanilla until boiling.

Pour boiling milk on chocolate. Healthy Caramel Apple Dip. Hey everyone!

Healthy Caramel Apple Dip

Welcome to February. February is without a doubt one of my favorite months (other than October). My birthday is mid month, and there’s just something about the short month that I love. The days are getting longer, in a normal year we would have snow on the ground, and everything just seems cheerier than in January. Except for Valentines day, Valentines day is just an attention whore. Anyways I’m really excited about some of the posts I have in the draft folder, and more importantly I’m feeling more inspired for this blog than I have in a long time. Apples come to my house to die. They really do. The teenager checking out my weekly haul at the grocery store commented how “you sure like your veggies… and apples”.

Yes, we love apples. Hubby eats them whole but I’ve always preferred sliced apples. To keep sliced apples exciting, I love to dip them in things. The caramel apple dips are so bad for you. Bqueen Lace Embroidery Dress Light Pink K313F - Designer Shoes. Reviews Home | Create Account | Log In | Shopping Bag (Empty) By Category Sale $39 Sale $49 Sale $59 Sale $69 Sale $79 Sale $99 All Dress By Stars All Shoes.

Bqueen Lace Embroidery Dress Light Pink K313F - Designer Shoes

ASOS PETITE Exclusive Lace Dress With Cut Out Back Detail at ASOS. One Pot Meals. Snacks. Side Dishes. Bread. Confetti Cornbread July 26, 2007 During the summer, one of my most frequent meals is “fresh from the farmers’ market”: fresh peas, some greens, and cornbread.


By “peas” I mean one of the many varieties of field peas available here in the South in the spring and summer, such as blackeyed peas, lady cream peas, pink-eye purple hull peas, and […] Read the full article → Berries and Spice Muffins July 4, 2007 There’s something about the idea of a recipe “getting away” from me that makes it irresistibly attractive. Read the full article → Desserts.