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Spring 2012 Fashion and Beauty Trends - How To Wear Spring 2012 Trends. Spring 2012 Fashion and Beauty Trends - How To Wear Spring 2012 Trends.


Women's Indie & Bohemian Dresses: Free People, UNIF, BB Dakota & more. Accessories MP3 Player by Lee Won-jun. The Perfect Gift For Your Woman It’s quite apparent that all ladies will have a soft corner for the Accessories MP3 Player.

Accessories MP3 Player by Lee Won-jun

Honestly, how many MP3 players can be as subtle and discreet as this! Fashion statement, jewelry, bling…you name it, and it’s there! I adore the little loop earring that goes into the ear as headphones, now only if Cartier or Tiffany can get a whiff of this… Designer: Lee Won-jun. Customizable Clothing: Unique 120-Zipper Dress Design. This convertible dress design by Sebastian Errazuriz is nothing short of stunning in any of its possible stylistic configurations.

Customizable Clothing: Unique 120-Zipper Dress Design

The wearer can simply zip and unzip along any of the horizontal zipper lines to convert their clothing in a matter of seconds. What might be most remarkable about this design is how quickly it can shift from elegant to sexy, a full-length, single-piece dress one could potentially wear to work into a skimpy, short-cut, two-piece number that could put some bikinis to shame. In between there are any number of other options for shortening the top or bottom or even leaving some zippers partly on and partly off. Despite the obvious benefits in terms of variable style, temperature and so on there are some clear drawbacks to this design as well. How much cold metal can you, after all, take on your skin? Fashiontoast - Fashion, style, and travel blog by Rumi Neely. Women fashion shoes, boots, retro indie clothing & vintage clothes.