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Ron Mueck

Ron Mueck est un artiste sculpteur australien hyperréaliste né à Melbourne en 1958. Ses parents sont fabricants de jouets. Son père est sculpteur sur bois et sa mère travaille à la fabrication de poupées en chiffon. "J’ai passé toute mon enfance seul dans une pièce à fabriquer des trucs… C’est ce que je fais encore principalement" confie Ron Mueck. Ron Mueck travaille pendant trois ans, comme étalagiste dans le grand magasin Myer avant de rejoindre en 1979, l’émission pour enfants "Shirl’s Neighbourhood" où il crée et anime des marionnettes d’animaux. En 1986 Ron Mueck collabore à la série télévisée de Jim Hensonau le "Muppet Show" à Londres. Ron Mueck passe à l'Art en 1996 grace à une collaboration avec sa belle-mère Paula Rego pour qui, il fabrique des petits personnages pour un de ses tableaux, en particulier une sculpture de Pinocchio. En 2000, La National Gallery de Londres l’invite pour 2 ans en tant qu’artiste associé.

Nude Sculptures By Ron Mueck Bring Hyperrealism To A Whole Other Level (PHOTOS) Craig Raine on Ron Mueck's sculptures. The story so far.

Craig Raine on Ron Mueck's sculptures

In 1997, at the Royal Academy, the sensation of Sensation: Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection is neither Damien Hirst's increasingly dowdy, dilapidated, dog-eared shark, nor the homeopathically talented Tracey Emin, whose empty appliquéd tent is an exact objective correlative of her camp conceptualism. Nor is it yet Marcus Harvey's cool, ironic but cynically hyped portrait of Myra Hindley, whose compositional method is denounced by the tabloids - because the face is an agglomeration of childish handprints. Nor is the sensation of Sensation the Jake and Dinos Chapman 1995 fibreglass frieze of girls - naked, prepubescent, wearing only trainers, but sporting several penile noses and open, anal mouths.

Among this clamorous, attention-seeking art there is good work - by Jenny Saville, Rachel Whiteread, and the photographer Richard Billingham. The greatness of Dead Dad is oxymoronic: its very completeness also tells us something is missing. Echoes. Ron Mueck in the News - Sculpture Community - This news article below shows that Ron Mueck's show can be a crowd drawer.

Ron Mueck in the News - Sculpture Community -

He is good, as he does it without showing shocking, provocative or controversial artworks. Sculptor brings big figures to gallery MODERN sculptor Ron Mueck's giant babies and huge spooning couples are on track to equal in popularity the livingroom favourites of impressionist Monet - as gallery officials in Edinburgh report near-record visitor numbers. Nearly 6,000 people have flocked to the Mueck exhibition in its first three days, the National Galleries of Scotland said yesterday - more than double last summer's show of Gauguin's work. And staff said Mueck could go on to equal the most popular exhibition in its history, The Seine and the Sea, of 90 works by Claude Monet, which brought 173,000 people to the Mound over two months. .......

It is the first time the galleries have opted for a modern art show in the refurbished Royal Scottish Academy. .... Ron Mueck's art: Big, not clever. I felt a wave of nausea when I walked into Ron Mueck's exhibition at the National Galleries of Scotland.

Ron Mueck's art: Big, not clever

No, this is not the prelude to a rave review that goes on to explain how the visceral realism of Mueck's models disturbed and moved me to my very gut. The sickness I felt was at the prospect of having to waste time, and words, on this flimsy gimcrack charade, on having to walk around with a straight face and pretend this is an exhibition. Of art. "In London, Erica Bolton has been responsible for securing excellent publicity," say the galleries' directors in their foreword to the catalogue, and they are right to be grateful.

Mueck's museum show comes garlanded like a Triumph of Caesar. I'm putting my email at the end of this piece so you can tell me, if you like Ron Mueck, what it is it you like about him. Let me reiterate, in case I see the previous paragraph quoted somewhere, that I don't believe a word of it. Now go back and look at Mueck. Ron mueck's figurative sculptures at fondation cartier, paris. Apr 16, 2013 ron mueck's figurative sculptures at fondation cartier, paris artist ron mueck working on a piece to especially created for an exhibition at fondation cartier pour l’art contemporain in parisimage © ron mueckphoto © gautier deblonde.

ron mueck's figurative sculptures at fondation cartier, paris