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Douleur et P5.pdf (Objet application/pdf) 56-5.pdf (Objet application/pdf) EV Samples.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Trigger Point Acupuncture for athletes and sports enthusiasts. Spa.pdf (Objet application/pdf) TCM Acupuncture Points - Lieque(LU7) Acupoint Location photos pi. - Questions and Answers - Asthma. Asthma What is asthma? People with asthma have sensitive airways in their lungs. When exposed to certain triggers their airways narrow, making it hard for them to breathe.

Three main factors cause the airways to become narrow: The inside lining of the airways becomes red and swollen (inflammation) Extra mucous (sticky fluid) may be produced The muscle around the airways tightens (bronchoconstriction) Why do people get asthma in the first place? The causes of asthma are not really understood but there is often a family history of asthma, eczema or hayfever. How do you recognise asthma? A dry, irritating, persistent cough, particularly at night, early morning, with exercise or activity Chest tightness Shortness of breath Wheeze Asthma triggers Figures Today we live in a community where: Over 2 million Australians have asthma.

Every person’s asthma is different. Acupuncture Treatment Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can be very effective for respiratory disorders including Asthma. - Education > Acupuncture Points > Introducti. Acupuncture- Extra points, Acupuncture point & pictures (TCM), w. Curious? Want to see some Acupuncture pictures! Click here. (the pictures pages can take a moment to load, patience may be needed) Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Extra points Location: 4 points all at vertex of scalp, grouped around Du 20 and located 1 cun anterior, posterior and lateral to it Yu Yao - eye problems, frontal headache Location: in center of eyebrow, in depression directly above the pupil when eyes are looking straight ahead Yin Tang - calms spirit, nasal problems, convulsions, insomnia, HBP, frontal headache Location: at glabella, midpoints between medial extremities of eyebrows Tai Yang - clear Wind & Heat & head, brighten eyes, wryness of face, trigeminal neuralgia Location: at temple, in tender depression approx. 1 cun posterior to midpoints between lateral extremity of eyebrow and outer canthus of eye Jin Jin / Yu Ye - bleed for post stroke mouth problems, clear Heat in the oral cavity Er Jian - eye problems (conjunctivitis, stye, screens, red swollen painful), high fever.

Acupuncture Points - Article. Acupuncture is a method of Oriental Medicine treatment that inserts needles into acupuncture points to alter our physiological functioning. There are hundreds of acupuncture points that influence the flow of energy, or Qi, in the body. Most of the classical acupuncture points exist along meridians that channel the energy up and down the surface of the body and to deeper levels where they connect with the internal organs and other meridians. What are Acupuncture Points? Scientists have conducted studies and determined that acupuncture points are areas of low impedance on the surface of the skin, meaning that these spots are able to conduct electricity more easily than other surrounding areas.

The Nei Jing, or Inner Classic, described 160 acupuncture points on the body. Recently, there is an international movement to standardize the location of all major acupuncture points on the body so that clinical trials and other research can be conducted more efficiently. Acupuncture Charts. Chinese Medicine Times ::: eJournal. Eye Samples.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Pd.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Bronchial asthma and acupuncture: the evidence for effectiveness. QQChapter19.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Laboratoire de pharmacopée chinoise - Sino Equilibre : Phytothér. Il existe 5 pratiques de la Médecine traditionnelle chinoise (MTC) pour entretenir ou restaurer la santé. Il s'agit de la pharmacopée, de l'accupuncture, de la diététique chinoise, du massage Tui Na et les exercices énergétiques (Qi Gong et Tai-chi). La pharmacopée chinoise est expérimentée depuis plus de 3000 ans, avec plusieurs milliers de substances. La différence entre la pharmacologie occidentale et l'herboristerie traditionnelle, c'est que la première mise généralement sur un ingrédient actif pour régler un problème alors que la seconde quant à elle, mise sur l'effet conjugué des diverses composantes de la plante.

En herboristerie chinoise, plusieurs plantes sont utilisées en même temps afin de profiter de la synergie de plusieurs ingrédients ayant des propriétés proches. Ceci minimise les effets secondaires et néfastes que pourrait causer la prise d’une seule plante en grande quantité.