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A Celebrity Translates The 1 Question Reporters Won't Stop Asking Her. She Nails It — They're Rude. A Catalog That Believes Reality Can Sell Clothes Better Than Photoshop. These are images from the catalog for Debenhams, a British department store.

A Catalog That Believes Reality Can Sell Clothes Better Than Photoshop

Oscar Winner Lupita Nyong'o's Speech On Beauty That Left An Entire Audience Speechless. Andrew Smiler argues we can help everyone by teaching boys about the artificial beauty we see. How Motherhood Changes Women's Bodies. 4th Trimester Bodies Project. Le corps des femmes devenues mères mis en lumière dans un livre. A Letter To My Daughter: This Is My Body. Gemma Hartley tells her daughter that even though she will grow up in a world that will tell her a healthy, beautiful, able body is not enough, she is already perfect.

A Letter To My Daughter: This Is My Body

Dear Avery, This is my body—and it is beautiful. I want you to know I am proud of this body, imperfections and loose skin and stretch marks and all. It is mine and only mine, unique and wonderful in its own way. It may not be the type of body you will see adorning the glossy pages of magazines—thin and tan and tall and flawless. My body is strong. Photo d'une maman avant/après la grossesse : j?ai enfanté, mon corps a changé, et alors ? Photo de Taryn Brumfitt avant et après sa grossesse, publiée sur son Facebook Il y a quelques semaines, Maria Kang, une maman au corps de rêve postait une photo d’elle en bikini sur Facebook avec la légende "Quelle est votre excuse ?

Photo d'une maman avant/après la grossesse : j?ai enfanté, mon corps a changé, et alors ?

" Woman Takes Epic Series Of Selfies For Documenting Her 40 Weeks Pregnancy. Amazing! Woman Takes Epic Series Of Selfies For Documenting Her 40 Weeks Pregnancy.

Woman Takes Epic Series Of Selfies For Documenting Her 40 Weeks Pregnancy. Amazing!

Amazing! Many women document their pregnancy whether by small cameras or professional ones, this can be a great way to remember the beautiful body transformation the the body goes through during the 40 weeks. Sophie Starzenski, also did that, however, she is a professional photographer who knows exactly what she is doing. Harlequin Happenings. Black Orpheus - Spoken Word - Justina Kehinde. Barefaced Beautiful Without and Within. Nappy Diary. I don't want to be a 'natural beauty' Photo: Getty Images.

I don't want to be a 'natural beauty'

Posed by model. It must be nice to be a “natural beauty.” To be gorgeous without effort or even interest. This type of beauty is perhaps the most impressive. Une campagne pour booster l'estime de soi des petites new-yorkaises. Pondu par Sophie-Pierre Pernaut le 4 octobre 2013.

Une campagne pour booster l'estime de soi des petites new-yorkaises

Girl's Project - Gallery - Public Service Announcement. Girl's Project - The Campaign. WANG (Women Against Non-essential Grooming) Women’s difficulty with pull-ups is about more than biology | Fit and Feminist (via rememo) And I always want to point out here: women, on average, possess more lower-body strength, while men, on average, possess more upper-body strength.

WANG (Women Against Non-essential Grooming)

There’s a lot of overlap and it isn’t always individually applicable, but that’s the generalization, averaging across the population. But we SOCIALLY value upper-body strength, and upper-body muscles. So we construct women as weaker, because we refuse to measure them on the body parts where they may be stronger, we devalue those. Lifting is mostly done with the legs. Nude Photography by Minneapolis Photographer Matt Blum. Non-sexualized Normal Breasts. A huge proportion of American women are not happy with their breasts.

Non-sexualized Normal Breasts

The media images make them believe the ideal is big and perky breasts with a small nipple and areola. But, in reality female breasts come in all kinds of sizes and shapes. These breast pictures are here to let you see normal breasts - big, small, sagging, asymmetrical; big areolas or nipples. In fact, having asymmetrical breasts, where one is bigger than the other, is very very common. Most women have one breast slightly larger than the other. Also as we all know, size varies a lot. Le projet Cicatrice... Contre le cancer du sein.

Woman Posts Nude Photos Of Herself After Breast Cancer Surgery. For A Good Reason! Woman Posts Nude Photos Of Herself After Breast Cancer Surgery.

Woman Posts Nude Photos Of Herself After Breast Cancer Surgery. For A Good Reason!

For A Good Reason! The term “Strong Woman” gets a whole new definition when hearing the story of Beth Whaanga who had breast cancer which was removed by surgery. She posted her nude photos online, for a good cause. What she didn’t expect, was that her Facebook friends were not supportive at all, they were even angry with her and as a result, she lost more than 100 of them on her Facebook network.

But all that didn’t mind. Confronting photos to raise awareness for breast cancer. Norm. The Marilyn Meme. Originally posted at Shameless.

The Marilyn Meme

Marilyn Monroe is often held up as the antidote to the idea that only thin can be beautiful. “Marilyn was a size 10/12/14,” goes a common refrain (though sizing basically means nothing these days, so what does that even prove?). There have been a couple Marilyn Monroe memes floating around Facebook in the past couple months, and both are troubling. The focus is on Marilyn’s curves, and how her swimsuit clad body is different from what movie stars look like today (oh, the tyranny of the “Best Beach Bodies!” Issue). Colle ton gras contre mes os. « Franchement, je me préfère largement dans mon 44 avec mes formes féminines quand je vois tous ces sac d’os dans les magazines. Contre l’image de la vulve parfaite, elles se rebellent sur Internet. Des vulves de toutes les tailles, de toutes les formes et de toutes les couleurs : c’est ce qu’on trouve sur LargeLabiaProject (« Projet grosses lèvres »), le Tumblr d’Emma, une Australienne de 24 ans.

La jeune femme y publie les photos d’organes génitaux que lui envoient des femmes. Mais ça n’est pas un blog érotique ou porno : le but du site est de redonner confiance à ces femmes dont l’entrejambe ne ressemble pas à celui des stars du X. Car si pour beaucoup de garçons, le porno est la première rencontre avec l’intimité féminine, c’est aussi le cas pour les filles. Your body parts are NORMAL. Labia Minora Survey Into Looks & AttitudesLabia Minora Survey. Vulvomaton.

Large Labia Project. «Faisons la révolution de la vulve !» Emma, une Australienne de 24 ans, a lancé le Large Labia Project (le projet grosses lèvres). Sur son blog, elle recueille des photos de vulves pour défendre la différence et lutter contre le diktat du porno qui imposerait des lèvres toujours plus courtes et fines. Ce Tumblr n'est pas un site érotique, un espace où il n'y aurait que des photos d'organes génitaux en gros plans.

C'est avant tout un lieu où poser des questions, discuter, se mettre en confiance. Interview. Pourquoi et quand avez-vous eu l’idée de ce projet ? 'The Birthmark' - Nathaniel Hawthorne. In the latter part of the last century there lived a man of science, an eminent proficient in every branch of natural philosophy, who not long before our story opens had made experience of a spiritual affinity more attractive than any chemical one. He had left his laboratory to the care of an assistant, cleared his fine countenance from the furnace smoke, washed the stain of acids from his fingers, and persuaded a beautiful woman to become his wife. In those days when the comparatively recent discovery of electricity and other kindred mysteries of Nature seemed to open paths into the region of miracle, it was not unusual for the love of science to rival the love of woman in its depth and absorbing energy.

Such a union accordingly took place, and was attended with truly remarkable consequences and a deeply impressive moral. One day, very soon after their marriage, Aylmer sat gazing at his wife with a trouble in his countenance that grew stronger until he spoke. Portraits robot de la vraie beauté par Dove. Why Dove’s Latest “Real Beauty” Video Gets It All Wrong. Originally published on BodyLoveWellness and cross-posted here with their permission. Alternately titled: “Please, Please, Stop Sharing That Video.” Chances are, someone has sent you this video and told you how inspiring it was. To be honest, I didn’t find it inspiring at all. Instead, it just made me angry. Dove: Real Beauty isn't retouched. Curve Appeal. Size 10-12. Rock that picnic bench. 5'8", currently 250, 26 y/o. America's Forgotten Pin-Up Girl. Word of the day: Zaftig /zäftig/ adjective: (of a woman) Having a full, rounded figure; plump. Meet Hilda, the creation of illustrator Duane Bryers and pin-up art’s best kept secret.

Eat whatever you want! StopHatingYourBody. What Guys Look For In Girls - A Slam Poem. Discover your superpowers. On real beauty. Karen Walrond at TEDxHouston 2012 RESONATE. "Celebrate Your Uniqueness" on Living Smart with Patricia Gras.