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HowTo: Create LDAP server for shared Address Book in Thunderbird. OpenLDAP Server. LDAP is an acronym for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, it is a simplified version of the X.500 protocol.

OpenLDAP Server

The directory setup in this section will be used for authentication. Nevertheless, LDAP can be used in numerous ways: authentication, shared directory (for mail clients), address book, etc. To describe LDAP quickly, all information is stored in a tree structure. With OpenLDAP you have freedom to determine the directory arborescence (the Directory Information Tree: the DIT) yourself. We will begin with a basic tree containing two nodes below the root: "People" node where your users will be stored "Groups" node where your groups will be stored Before beginning, you should determine what the root of your LDAP directory will be.

First, install the OpenLDAP server daemon slapd and ldap-utils, a package containing LDAP management utilities: sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils By default slapd is configured with minimal options needed to run the slapd daemon. Just a quick explanation: OpenLdap - MyWiki. What is required OpenLDAP / slapd - LDAP Server pam_ldap - For unix password authentication nss_ldap - For unix name lookup. auth_ldap - Before you start here is a script for you.

OpenLdap - MyWiki

If you want to setup openldap server for user authentication download and run this script. This will do all the work in 1min. Install Where can LDAP take us OpenLDAP uses slapd which stands for standalone LDAP daemon. ldap-utils is a set of helper tools for running ldap. aptitude install slapd ldap-utils Set administrative password for ldap. Dpkg-reconfigure slapd You can keep all the other settings as default * Omit OpenLDAP server configuration? It is Easy! /etc/init.d/slapd start Lets check if we can query the ldap server: ldapsearch -x -b dc=mycompany,dc=com You should see the entries for "mycompany" and for "admin". # search result search: 2 You have a working ldap server. 1.

Temporary Debian bug Reconfiguring is not working dpkg-reconfigure slapd Stopping OpenLDAP: slapd. . * You need to: And then it works. Debian GNU/Linux. Annuaire LDAP - MDS Matthieu Vogelweith 17 août 2009 Un annuaire électronique est une base de donnée spécialisée, dont la fonction première est de retourner un ou plusieurs attributs d’un objet grâce à des fonctions de recherche multi-critères.

Debian GNU/Linux

Contrairement à un SGBD, un annuaire est très performant en lecture mais l’est beaucoup moins en écriture. Sa fonction peut être de servir d’entrepôt pour centraliser des informations et les rendre disponibles, via le réseau à des applications, des systèmes d’exploitation ou des utilisateurs. L’objectif de ce document est de détailler l’installation d’un serveur OpenLDAP [1] complet piloté par le MDS (Mandriva Directory Server [2]) ainsi que les bases de son administration. Ce document a été rédigé en LaTeX en utilisant l’excellent Vim sous Debian GNU/Linux. Copyright ©2009 Matthieu VOGELWEITH <>. 17-08-2009 : Mise à jour pour Debian Lenny 1.1 Installation des paquets. Comparatif serveur dédié.