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Adhocracy. Adhocracy is a flexible, adaptable and informal form of organization that is defined by a lack of formal structure. It operates in an opposite fashion to a bureaucracy. The term was first popularized in 1970 by Alvin Toffler,[1] and has since become often used in the theory of management of organizations (particularly online organizations). The concept has been further developed by academics such as Henry Mintzberg. Adhocracy is characterized by an adaptive, creative and flexible integrative behavior based on non-permanence and spontaneity. It is believed that these characteristics allow adhocracy to respond faster than traditional bureaucratic organizations while being more open to new ideas.[2] Overview[edit] Robert H.

Characteristics of adhocracy[edit] All members of an organization have the authority within their areas of specialization, and in coordination with other members, to make decisions and to take actions affecting the future of the organization. According to Robert H. Why You Should Work From A Coffee Shop, Even When You Have An Office. Mathieu Pesin.

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Market. Les 10 erreurs les plus fréquentes dans la conception des applications mobiles. 9 Things That Motivate Employees More Than Money. The ability to motivate employees is one of the greatest skills an entrepreneur can possess. Two years ago, I realized I didn’t have this skill. So I hired a CEO who did. Josh had 12 years in the corporate world, which included running a major department at Comcast. I knew he was seasoned, but I was still skeptical at first. We were going through some tough growing pains, and I thought that a lack of cash would make it extremely difficult to improve the company morale. I was wrong. With his help and the help of the great team leaders he put in place, Josh not only rebuilt the culture, but also created a passionate, hard-working team that is as committed to growing and improving the company as I am. Here are nine things I learned from him: Be generous with praise.

Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP) Picture this: Toward the end of the development cycle, your game crawls, but you don’t see any obvious hotspots in the profiler. The culprit? Random memory access patterns and constant cache misses. In an attempt to improve performance, you try to parallelize parts of the code, but it takes heroic efforts, and, in the end, you barely get much of a speed-up due to all the synchronization you had to add. To top it off, the code is so complex that fixing bugs creates more problems, and the thought of adding new features is discarded right away. That scenario pretty accurately describes almost every game I’ve been involved with for the last 10 years. It’s All About Data OOP is so ingrained in the current game development culture that it’s hard to think beyond objects when thinking about a game. Data-oriented design is a different way to approach program design that addresses all these problems. Ideal Data Does this sound like a strange approach?

Advantages of Data-Oriented Design Modularity. Audit Informatique.