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The top 20 foods for beating diabetes | Diabetes | Get Healthy. What you eat can help you control and fight your diabetes. Incorporate these healthy foods into your diet Every time you roll your shopping cart into the supermarket, you’re making a decision that goes far beyond whether you’re going to have pork or pierogies for dinner. You’re actually choosing between being a victim and a victor. What you put in your cart goes a long way toward determining whether you’ll be compromised by diabetes or start controlling and eventually even beating it.That’s why we’ve assembled the following list of the 20 best foods for fighting diabetes. Every time you go to the store from now on, take this list with you and check off each item. Research proves that making a few key changes to your diet—such as eating more produce, fewer refined carbohydrates, plenty of lean protein, and more “good” fat—helps improve blood-sugar control and cuts the risk of diabetes-related complications. 1. 2. 3. 4.

When menu planning, think “bean cuisine” at least twice a week. 5. HbA1c and Blood Glucose Equivalents. Bliss: diabetes. Home : board games : computers : kiting : music : poetry : SF : wine : diabetes : travel : yoga : new age : miscellaneous : politics : about me : salsa dance : services : feedback : help : world naked bike ride 2008 Links on this page: what is diabetes : useful websites : my progress : dietary supplements : exercise : hair today, blonde tomorrow... : herbal remedies : indigestion? : asda : massage : monitoring glucose levels : pet rescue : rally : smart tattoo : sugar and sweeteners : The Discovery of Insulin : world naked bike ride 2006 : world naked bike ride 2007 : driving and diabetic drugs : biguanides : sulphonylureas I've pretty well come to terms with having type 2 diabetes. Although it was a bit of a shock, I couldn't say it was totally a surprise. I'd been losing weight for a year whilst having a much larger appetite than normal, so I knew something was amiss.

Coupling that with my excessive thirst (up to 6 litres a day), it seems that I'm a classic case. What is diabetes? Top. American Diabetes Association Home Page. Diabetic Gourmet Magazine - Official Homepage. Poor Sleep Ups Behavior Problems in Young Diabetics. In young diabetics, poor sleep is associated with increased health and behavior problems, shows study. "Despite adhering to recommendations for good diabetic health, many youth with Type 1 diabetes have difficulty maintaining control of their blood sugars," said Michelle Perfect, PhD, the principal investigator in the study.

"We found that it could be due to abnormalities in sleep, such as daytime sleepiness, lighter sleep and sleep apnea. All of these make it more difficult to have good blood sugar control. " The study, appearing in the January issue of the journal Sleep, tracked the sleep health of 50 Type 1 diabetics, ages 10 to 16. Perfect and her colleagues compared that data with a similar control group. They found that the young diabetics spent more time in a lighter stage of sleep than youth without diabetes, which was related to compromised school performance and higher blood sugar levels.

Type-2 diabetes linked to autoimmune reaction in Stanford study. Edgar Engleman Type-2 diabetes is likely to have its roots in an autoimmune reaction deep within the body, according to researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and the University of Toronto. The finding, coupled with a similar study by the same group in 2009, vaults the disorder into an entirely new, unexpected category that opens the door to novel potential therapies. One possible therapy that proved effective in laboratory mice, an antibody called anti-CD20, is already approved for use in humans to treat some blood cancers and autoimmune diseases, although the researchers say further study is needed to determine whether it might work against diabetes in humans.

“We are in the process of redefining one of the most common diseases in America as an autoimmune disease, rather than a purely metabolic disease,” said Daniel Winer, MD, a former postdoctoral scholar in the laboratory of Stanford pathology professor Edgar Engleman, MD. Clarissa Cassol Lei Shen. Battle Diabetes.