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jQuery++ No More Powerpoint I Have Impress.js. In this tutorial you will learn how you don't need to use the old powerpoint presentation software now we have Impress.js. What Is Impress.JS Impress.js is a presentation framework which uses all the new features of CSS3 transforms and CSS transitions to create unique presentations. The idea of Impress.js came from viewing new unique presentations from Lately on Github Impress.js has become very popular and I believe you will start seeing many companies create presentations by using this framework. Impress.js Demos The best way to understand what Impress.js can do is to see some of the presentations that have already been created using the framework. Here is a list of presentations for you to enjoy, they are all much better than using the boring old powerpoint presentations. Official Impress.js Demo CSS 3D transforms CSS 3D Transforms What The Heck Is Responsive Web Design?

What The Heck Is Responsive Web Design? Digibury Digibury Wakame Wakame Download. Create your own Javascript Library. Create your own javascript library in these fun, easy steps! Background We all know about the performance benefits of putting all of our javascript/jQuery calls into .js files, so that browsers will cache the whole chunk on the client-side. It’s even more tempting to put all of our complicated jQuery calls into a single file, thus further enhancing performance by reducing HTTP requests (i.e. the browser doesn’t have to download so many files). However, have you ever taken a look at a site using the jQuery Cycle plugin on the homepage?

[cycle] terminating; too few slides: 0 This is because the cycle init code, while correctly put inside the DOM-ready function, is still being called on every page, regardless of whether it has a slideshow or not. Most of the time you won’t even notice the extra overhead because jQuery fails gracefully, but it’s still traversing the DOM, looking for elements that aren’t there.

Solution Library Shell The Code //hide by default $advancedSearch.slideUp(’3000′); Examples. Seven JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Much Earlier In My Career. Advertisement I’ve been writing JavaScript code for much longer than I care to remember. I am very excited about the language’s recent success; it’s good to be a part of that success story. I’ve written dozens of articles, book chapters and one full book on the matter, and yet I keep finding new things. Here are some of the “aha!” Moments I’ve had in the past, which you can try out rather than waiting for them to come to you by chance. Shortcut Notations One of the things I love most about JavaScript now is shortcut notations to generate objects and arrays. Var car = new Object(); car.colour = 'red'; car.wheels = 4; car.hubcaps = 'spinning'; car.age = 4; The same can be achieved with: Much shorter, and you don’t need to repeat the name of the object. The other handy shortcut notation is for arrays.

Var moviesThatNeedBetterWriters = new Array( 'Transformers','Transformers2','Avatar','Indiana Jones 4' ); The shorter version of this is: var direction = x < 200 ? JSON As A Data Format Resources. JavaScript : organiser son code en modules. Cet article vous propose d'étudier différentes techniques permettant d'isoler votre code dans des modules « hermétiques », évitant ainsi les interactions involontaires avec le reste de votre code, ou avec le code que vous ne contrôlez pas. JavaScript a été initialement conçu pour être un langage facile à prendre en main. Néanmoins, avec l'augmentation importante des volumes de code utilisés sur Internet, on se heurte désormais comme dans la plupart des langages de programmation aux problèmes inhérents à la cohabitation de plusieurs bibliothèques. L'objectif de cet article est de présenter quelques techniques permettant de rendre vos bibliothèques plus faciles à maintenir, plus lisibles et mieux structurées en les organisant sous forme de modules, minimisant ainsi les risques d'interaction involontaire avec l'extérieur.

Enoncé du problème Voici tout d'abord un exemple assez simple, qui sera le fil conducteur de cet article : Cette bibliothèque est à première vue plutôt bien écrite : Conclusion. Creating your own JavaScript Library. One of the phases I went through while learning about JavaScript was the intense desire to write my own library, similar to jQuery (but massively scaled down). My library has gone through several major revisions — and more than one complete re-write, but now is exactly what I started out hoping it would be: functional, clean, small, and a solid learning experience.

I’d like to share what I learned from this project, and I hope you share back with me through the comments! Finished project demo Step 1: Identify the purpose of your library This might just be one of the toughest parts of the whole process! If you are to the point in your JavaScript knowledge that you would like to build your own library, than you’ve likely used jQuery, mooTools, Prototype, or any number of other popular libraries. Pick one particular function, or aspect of web development/design that you would like your library to handle.

I decided my library would be a simple way to manipulate elements visually. Final thoughts.