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Html5 boilerplate

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The Official Guide to HTML5 Boilerplate. Getting Started Using HTML5 Boilerplate - Dan Wahlin's WebLog. Whether we like it or not, HTML5 is all the rage now days. With the recent news on “code name” Windows 8’s upcoming support for HTML5 and JavaScript that hype has intensified even more. I’m personally in favor of what HTML5 brings to the table although I do worry about browser compatibility issues that will naturally crop up. Compatibility issues are something that Web developers have been dealing with since the days of Netscape 4 (layers) and IE4 (divs) though so it’s really nothing new; it’s just intensified with all of the new functionality that the various HTML5 specs define. Fortunately, there are several options available that can help reduce cross-browser issues. Getting started building HTML5 compatible sites can be challenging especially for people who haven’t been involved in Web development projects for awhile.

“HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass's base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site. What’s in HTML5 Boilerplate? CSS Support Conclusion. Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! An Unofficial Guide to the HTML5 Boilerplate. The HTML5 Boilerplate describes itself as “A Rock-Solid Default for HTML5” this is why we thought it would be useful to dive right into it and look at just what makes it such a great “base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site“.

Getting The Code The latest version of the code itself can be found at, where you can download the latest commented or un-commented builds. If you scroll down a bit there’s also a well-highlighted version of the code which makes it really easy see just what it’s up to. Getting Started – index.html The first few lines the file will probably be a fairly common sight by now, the html5 doctype, the language defined on the html element and the new html5 charset declaration. IE Comment – Fixing a performance issue The first interesting snippet we come across is an empty html comment containing an if statement.

Making sure the latest version of IE is used Mobile Viewport – Creating a mobile version The two icons After the Head Tag. Blog » boilerplate tutorial.