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Gridster.js. 50 jQuery Function Demos for Aspiring Web Developers - Smashing Coding. Every aspiring Web developer should know about the power of JavaScript and how it can be used to enhance the ways in which people see and interact with Web pages. Fortunately, to help us be more productive, we can use the power of JavaScript libraries, and in this article we will take a good look at jQuery in action.

What Is jQuery? Link In a nutshell, jQuery is a leading JavaScript library that can perform wonders on your Web pages and make your Web development life much easier and more enjoyable. Thousands of Web developers worldwide use jQuery to innovate on their websites and stay up to date on trends. jQuery And CSS Link Styles play a big part in the look and feel of any website, and jQuery can help us change them dynamically. .css() Link You can change your website’s styles dynamically with jQuery’s .css()7 function. Demo: Change text color and background color Blue text with orange background Demo: Add a style sheet .addClass() and .toggleClass() Link Demo: Add a CSS class to an element. Essential JavaScript And jQuery Design Patterns. JavaScript language a- z cheat sheet. Here is an A - Z list of some Javascript idioms and patterns. The idea is to convey in simple terms some features of the actual Javascript language (rather than how it can interact with DOM).

Enjoy... Array Literals An array literal can be defined using a comma separated list in square brackets. Arrays in javascript have a wide selection methods including push() and pop(). In the example above, the chanceCivilisationCallback callback function is invoked by peakOil. Configuration Object Instead of passing around a bunch of related properties... Use a configuration object The use of a configuration object makes it makes it easier to write clean APIs that don't need to take a huge long list of parameters. Note: The closure is the object literal returned from annoymous function. Constructor Functions (Built in) There are no classes in Javascript but there are construtor functions which use the new keyword syntax similar to the class based object creation in Java or other languages.

Then... 10 Beautiful Web UI libraries. 15 Most Important Considerations when Choosing a Web Development Framework. Which CSS Grid Framework Should You Use for Web Design? Ever wondered how all those slick "magazine" themes for WordPress and other platforms were created? Many, if not all, were designed using a CSS Grid Framework - at least in essence if not in actual fact. That is, you can use an existing CSS framework or build your own from scratch. While it's possible to design complex web page layouts without a framework, it's arguably an act in masochism. In this article you'll get an overview of the current batch of Frameworks and which you should choose to use. What is a CSS Grid Framework? Layout grids have been used in print publishing long before the Web. The same concept has been adapted for web page design for much the same reason, using CSS (Cascading StyleSheets) code to position HTML elements.

Why Use a CSS Grid Framework? Not all designers support the use of using grid frameworks over tables, or even at all. Sure, if you use grids, you'll have to add some necessary HTML tag markup to your content, thus increasing page file sizes. Comparison. A Detailed Introduction Into the 960 CSS Framework | Nettuts+ on 40 Exceptional jQuery Interface Techniques and Tutorials. With the advent of JavaScript/web application libraries and frameworks, it’s become much easier to build interactive components for a site.

For the folks that are unfamiliar with jQuery – it’s a popular, high-performance and compact JavaScript library/framework. jQuery will allow you to reduce the amount of code you have to write for dealing with browser quirks, memory leaks, and repetitive code by providing you with a set of useful and highly-optimized and thoroughly-tested functions and methods. In this article, we explore the strengths of jQuery in letting web developers create impressive client-side-based user interface components. Whether you’re looking for a particular interface/interaction pattern built on Query (like module tabs or modal windows) or you simply want to learn the library by engaging in step-by-step tutorials – you should be able to find something here for you. Modal Windows 1. How to create a stunning and smooth popup using jQuery Live Demo 2.

Live Demo 3. Live Demo 4. 21+ Javascript WebUI Frameworks | Designtopx. There are times when a web designer will have to emulate a desktop program for the web. There are many tools written in javascript which can help web designers create consistent user interfaces for the web. Designing web elements and letting the browser determine how it should look may be okay for some projects but for products where branding is important additional help is required to keep the look consistent regardless of the web browser used.

Here are 21+ javascript based web Graphic User Interface tools which can help design consistent UI elements across different browsers. *Javascript must be enabled on the user’s browser for these to work. For Desktop Browsers 1. Ample SDK is a standard-based cross-browser JavaScript GUI Framework for building Rich Internet Applications. 2. Ext JS is a JavaScript platform for rapid development of cross-browser web apps. 4. 5. jQuery UI 6. 7. MochaUI is a web applications user interface library built on the Mootools JavaScript framework. 8. 9. 10. 11. 10 Beautiful Web UI libraries. 15 Javascript Web UI Libraries, Frameworks and Toolkits. Almost all of the rich web applications that we currently see on the web today rely on a subtle set of UI controls, libraries or frameworks (or toolkits) that not only greatly simplify application development, they also provide a consistent, reliable, and highly interactive User Interface.

What more could you ask for? Currently, there are a wide varied range of Web UI frameworks covering varied languages – for today we will focus on Javascript Web UI libraries. Not all libraries are suited for every project, but most developers will still rely on a single UI framework, a faithful friend they will always turn to in times of need… …so, if you are looking for a fresh UI outlook, below you will find the best 15 Javascript Web UIs, all offering, to different degrees, solutions.

LivePipe: UI Components for Prototype LivePipe UI is a suite of widgets and controls for applications that has been built using the Prototype Javascript Framework. UKI – Simple UI Kit for Complex Web Apps jQuery UI Yahoo! 40+ Techniques of JavaScript for Professional UI. Home » JavaScript » 40+ Techniques of JavaScript for Professional UI This is specialy for Web Developers and Design because they are using very much JavaScript for make more beautiful our UI (User Interface), JavaScript can add a lot of special effects that can really improve the user’s experience, when we add JavaScript/jQuery techniques that add an extra dose of usability to any UI (User Interface/Webpage), we need to figure out more practical styling and functionality techniques to provide a great user experience, in whole package we are using CSS, JavaScript and jQuery libraries.

SocialHistory.js Create a simple ul list with a nice slide-out effect for <li> elements jQuery Hover Sub Tag Cloud Textboxlist Auto-Completion CSS+Javascript power. MooGenda: a complete javascript json calendar based on MooTools Month View Demo Week View Demo Day View Demo How to implement a Post-to-Wall Facebook-like using PHP and jQuery How to implement a news ticker with jQuery and ten lines of code MoreCSS.js. 15 jQuery Plugins for Better Web Page Element Layouts. CSS does a pretty darn good job of helping to lay out a web page… but not always. Even with all the versatility that CSS offers, it sometimes is not enough and, dare I say it, I really hate to say it – HTML tables are on [very few] occasions missed, as they can fill in the holes that CSS layout techniques may leave behind. Thankfully we do not have to venture down the road of HTML tables, there is a White Knight that can save is, as it always does – there are jQuery plugins and its marvelous community of developers that release an endless river of powerful and always useful plugins. jQuery Masonry Masonry is a layout plugin for jQuery.

Downloads & Docs »Masonry Demo Columnizer jQuery Plugin The Columnizer jQuery Plugin will automatically layout your content in newspaper column format. Downloads & Docs »Columnizer Demo UI.Layout Plug-in This plug-in was inspired by the extJS border-layout, and recreates that functionality as a jQuery plug-in. Downloads & Docs »UI.Layout Demo jLayout Columnize. (27) What are the best frameworks for building an AJAX based web app.

What is the best open-source CSS framework. 12 Really Handy CSS Framework, Template And Snippet Sites For Smart Web Designer. If You are creating and developing new web-sites regularly, You should think about template creation, collecting useful code snippets and things like that. You should do that to fasten development process, so I think You could use, change, optimize these template files to Your needs, however check out licence terms, if You use these for business purposes. However this is very generalize list for now, to clear out the best from the best sites. Use them well! 1. CSSTidy “CSSTidy is an opensource CSS parser and optimizer. I pasted their information, because it says everything better than I could. For some people there can be a question – why You need to optimize Your CSS code?

Get executable file here or use online optimizer! 2. You can also use this online optimizer version, which is very similar, but I am design geek, so I enjoy this site a little more. 3. “Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. 4. 5. 6. 7. Eric Meyer CSS reset is very popular. 35 frameworks CSS — Mettez une grille dans votre design.