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Django Tutorial: A Simple Forum - Part III - Django by Example. It’s good to have a forum of your own, post new topics, reply to oneself, start flamewars.

Django Tutorial: A Simple Forum - Part III - Django by Example

All of that is great, but what if.. you would like other users to be able to participate, as well? That will be our last task in this tutorial: user registration. User Registration There is already an existing package for Django that handles user registration — all we have to do is set it up for our needs. If you are on Ubuntu / Debian, you can install it by running apt-get install django-registration. Here is the outline of what we’ll need to do to set things up for this package: we’ll need to add it to, we’ll add register, login and logout links to our own fbase.html template, add one urlconf line to the base module of our site and finally we’ll add a new directory with registration templates.

Here are the changes you’ll need to do: INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... (note: this is the base urlconf file located under dbe/, not under dbe/forum/): New links in fbase.html: Chapter 5. Building a Wiki — Djen of Django. Reusable Apps®: To manage user registrations, we will use django-registration.

Chapter 5. Building a Wiki — Djen of Django

You can download it from django-registration is a great example of a reusable app, which can be customized to fit our requirements while providing the most common pattern by default (sign up, email activation etc) Jquery - Sending ajax form reloads page instead of sending request. Intro to Django – Building a To-Do List. Créer un blog avec Django 1.2 - Gilles Fabio. Twitter Connect in django using Oauth. / - django-twittervoice - A Simple Twitter account aggregator Django application. Welcome. 33 projects that make developing django apps awesome — elweb. There are many reasons why I like developing web applications with Python and Django but the main one is the awesome community and projects around the language and framework.

33 projects that make developing django apps awesome — elweb

Every time I search for something there’s always a Django or Python project available to make my life easier. Here’s an incomplete list of Python and django related projects that I have used or I’m planning to test. This might help someone starting out to get an idea of how awesome is to work with this technologies. Django Debug Toolbar The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response and when clicked, display more details about the panel’s content. South South brings migrations to Django applications. Django Paypal Django PayPal is a pluggable application that implements with PayPal Payments Standard and Payments Pro.

Django Avatar A reusable django application for handling Avatars. Shameless plug. DjangoResources. Learning Django by example - Programmers - Stack Exchange. Django Packages : Django Packages reusable apps, sites and tools directory.