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Smart City

Métropoles du monde arabe, bientôt plus smart que les villes européennes ? 330 millions d'habitants dont 55% d'urbains, croissance démographique de 3% par an, exode rural encore très fort...

Métropoles du monde arabe, bientôt plus smart que les villes européennes ?

Dans le monde arabe, la question de l'urbanisation concerne une grande majorité de la population. Mais pas question de construire à tort et à travers. Les urbanistes pensent smart city : ville à la fois agréable à vivre, durable et efficace. C'est ce qu'ont expliqué les invités de l'Institut du Monde Arabe lors de la table ronde du 17 mars sur le développement urbain de cette région du monde, preuves à l'appui. Priorité aux infrastructures Premier pilier de la smart city : des infrastructures de qualité et intégrées les unes aux autres.

En effet, quand Dubaï passe pour ville modèle avec ses lignes de métro entièrement automatisées, Alger ou Casablanca se dotent de leur premier tramway. L'enjeu du développement durable Ainsi, le centre de distribution d'électricité intelligent de Dubaï - ou smart grid - a été inauguré en mars dernier.

The Real Reason Cities Are Centers of Innovation - Emily Badger. It’s obvious from human history that people have long found unique value in living and working in cities, even if for reasons they couldn’t quite articulate.

The Real Reason Cities Are Centers of Innovation - Emily Badger

Nations are no longer driving globalization—cities are - Quartz. Urbanization has already declared itself the mega-trend of the 21st century, with half the world’s population now living in cities for the first time in human history.

Nations are no longer driving globalization—cities are - Quartz

While the implications for economic growth have been widely discussed, urbanization’s impact on diplomacy and sovereignty will be equally profound. Consider just two major issues on the global agenda: security and climate change. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York City and the November 2008 terror attack on Mumbai, both cities moved to strengthen their own security services and intelligence capabilities beyond what Washington and Delhi could provide and mandate.

The Mideast’s iconic Dubai has long done the same beyond the shadow of federal Emirati capital Abu Dhabi. Now look at climate change. Emile HOOGE on Twitter: ""market forces shape cities in very particular ways for the benefit of very particular interests" #flawedcityrankings" The secrets of the world's happiest cities. Two bodyguards trotted behind Enrique Peñalosa, their pistols jostling in holsters.

The secrets of the world's happiest cities

There was nothing remarkable about that, given his profession – and his locale. Peñalosa was a politician on yet another campaign, and this was Bogotá, a city with a reputation for kidnapping and assassination. What was unusual was this: Peñalosa didn't climb into the armoured SUV. Instead, he hopped on a mountain bike. His bodyguards and I pedalled madly behind, like a throng of teenagers in the wake of a rock star. A few years earlier, this ride would have been a radical and – in the opinion of many Bogotáns – suicidal act. I first saw the Mayor of Happiness work his rhetorical magic back in the spring of 2006. Peñalosa insisted that, like most cities, Bogotá had been left deeply wounded by the 20th century's dual urban legacy: first, the city had been gradually reoriented around cars.


Cost of Living. Sustainable cities videos. Housing. Policy Analysis. L’explosion du street art « made in France » Désormais reconnu, le street art remporte depuis peu l'adhésion du grand public.

L’explosion du street art « made in France »

Dans ce qui apparaît comme un phénomène planétaire, les artistes français se distinguent tout particulièrement. La tour Paris 13, exposition éphémère sur les murs extérieurs et intérieurs d'un immeuble voué à la démolition. (William Plummer/Monde Académie) A Vitry-sur-Seine, les murs se suivent mais ne ressemblent pas. Rue après rue, les œuvres de street art se succèdent, apportant une certaine poésie appréciée des Vitriots. City2.0. On September 20, 2013, TEDCity2.0 took place at the TimesCenter in New York City.


Co-curated and co-hosted by Chris Anderson, John Cary and Courtney Martin, the event surfaced stories of urban ingenuity and interdependence from across the globe, and featured an unexpected mix of over 20 speakers, including several 2012 City 2.0 Award winners. Livestreamed for free, the TEDCity2.0 anchor conference coincided with self-organized TEDxCity2.0 events over a 48-hour period. TEDx communities worldwide are envisioning the cities of our future and sharing big ideas about collaborative action and sustainable solutions. Certain speakers issued calls to action from the main stage. Ananya Roy. Ananya Roy is Professor of City and Regional Planning and Distinguished Chair in Global Poverty and Practice at the University of California, Berkeley.

Ananya Roy

Talks about Cities. About Us - About Us. To achieve self-reliance, poor communities need answers to questions like: How can we grow more and healthier food?

About Us - About Us

Protect our health? Create jobs? A key part of Canada’s aid program since 1970, IDRC supports research in developing countries to answer these questions. IDRC also encourages sharing this knowledge with policymakers, other researchers, and communities around the world. The result is innovative, lasting local solutions that aim to bring choice and change to those who need it most. A key member of Canada’s foreign aid program, we are one of the world’s leaders in generating and applying new knowledge to meet the challenges facing poor countries. Blog Archive: July 2013. The Infrastructure Leadership Profile Series is designed to give you an inside look at what matters to today's industry leaders.

Blog Archive: July 2013

The series will feature a variety of high-level professionals from across sectors, including Forum Sponsors, project presenters, public sector representatives, and other members of the CG/LA and Leadership Forum community. If you are interested in appearing in The Infrastructure Leadership Profile Series, please contact us at info@cg-la.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. Cycle de l'eau potable : Traitement & assainissement. Indicador.


Mexican cities. Policing cities. Digital cities. Cities' statistics. Cities fun :P. Cities' history. Cities transportation. Cities at risk. Medium size cities.