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How to Make a Crocheted Hammock (with Pictures) Stamping With Blue Moon Creations. Jesienne dekoracje z szyszek na 13 sposobów. Egg Carton Crafts - Penguins. Gotta love those upcycled crafts!! Nothing better than taking something old and turning it into something new.. like these adorable little Egg Carton Penguins!! Aren;t they just the cutest. A great egg carton craft for sure and perfect for all Penguin lovers. A prefect addition to any artic play scene this Winter.. or make them JUST BECAUSE. Reader more about them over on Kiwi Crate! 22 Things to Make with Cardboard Tubes. I admit it.

I’m a bit of a hoarder when it comes to cardboard tubes. I just can’t bring myself to part with them. I have a huge stash in storage room. Toilet rolls, paper towel rolls, wrapping paper tubes, food-wrap rolls, poster tubes, mailing tubes… My family thinks I’m nuts, but when you think of all the things you can make with a cardboard tube, how COULD you possibly throw them away? There are literally hundreds of ways to re-use your cardboard tubes. Toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls are perfect for kids’ crafts. 22 Things to Make with Cardboard Tubes: Click on the highlighted descriptions to see a full tutorial for each craft or activity.

Fall Decorations with Cardboard Tubes: Use a cool paint process to make some fall napkin rings. Make a turkey table topper for your Thanksgiving table. Round up some fabric scraps and a few crafty odds and ends for some adorable toilet roll owls. Crafting for Halloween: The kids will love making a quirky monster mobile out of cardboard rolls.


Wyszywane kamienie. Fir Tree from Colored Paper Strips. You need: a piece of cardboard paper for basewooden stickcolored ribbons – mostly green and whiteglue Glue the ribbons onto a triangle-shaped piece of paper. Inside the cardboard put the wooden stick which will serve as a stem. When you are ready with the glue job turn round the cardboard and cut the extra ribbons with scissors. Pin the fir tree on a hard base. See more ideas for Christmas in KROKOTAK: Painting paper. Podaj.To. Sowy i inne rzeczy na technikę. I thought I would feature some textile work this week....first up these woven owls. I've been trying to come up with projects that incorporate circular weaving. You may have tried my woven eye projects: Frogs or Bats I like these owls as you only have to do 1 round and you can work larger. If you haven't tried weaving in the round it is a good starter project with younger grades (Grade 1-3).

I'll give you the full owl tutorial in a minute. This week's giveaway is brought to you by Weavy Loops. I was recently asked to give this kit a try. It comes in a large box and it's more of a macrame knotting type weaving. Inside this is what you get as well as an instruction sheet. The best parts are those 2 purple items. You use this smaller purple anchor to hold your yarn or string lengths while you are weaving and knotting.

The pegboard itself is ingenious in teaching kids macrame. As I worked with it I was thinking of all the ways I could adapt this in the classroom. Now back to the owls: That's it. Woven Owls #2. This is the second weaving project for this week. Staying with the owl theme, this is a more traditional weaving technique. It's a good project for Grade 3 and up. Don't forget to enter the Weavy Loops giveaway. Check out the previous post for details MATERIALS REQUIRED:- rectangle of recycled heavy duty cardboard- yarn needle or toothpick- yarn in assorted colors- string, optional- sturdy plastic fork- buttons for eyes- felt, fun fur for eyes and ear tufts- embroidery floss for beak and feet- twig- feathers for wings, optional- gluePROCEDURE: You can make a loom from an old picture frame or piece of plywood and some nails.

Instead..... I tend to use cardboard as it's free and if I lose one it's no big deal. You need heavy weight cardboard. For the owl you need about 15 strings. Time to start weaving. Thread a yarn needle or tape your yarn to a toothpick. I teach the kids that same chant, "over, under, over, under" and we begin. As you weave you want it your rows to be tight together.

Gail. 12+ Owl Crafts - What a Hoot! We love this time of year. Even though it often comes with WET and WINDY weather it is a great time to head indoors, get cozy and get crafty. Also, Autumn and Fall Crafts for us are all about the wonderful woodland creatures you find out there… in particularly OWLS! We’ve been itching to do an Owl Craft round up for AGES, and this time of year, just seems so appropriate. …. so let’s start with some natural owl crafts shall we… leaves?

Try collecting some leaves and have a go at these Wonderful mixed media – you have old CDs, you have weaving and you get gorgeous OWL wall hangings. And how about these plastic bottle owls? And just love this carved owl pumpkin… and what about these fabulous paper owls? Loving these toilet roll owls – adorable! Crochet owls anyone? Oh and some rather lovely bark – being upcycled into owl art. What a clever bit of upcycling and great to think of the birds this Winter too – take a look at this Owl Juice Carton. How about this fantastic owl printable? Handmade-kursy ,wzory ,tutoriale: Kwiaty z krepiny. Dzień dobry;) Dzisiaj post poświęcony autorce najlepszego nowego bloga . Ponieważ jestem leniem,sama autorka napisała kilka słów o sobie i o swojej pasji,a ja Wam to udostępniam;)) Żadnych wywiadów,bo ja jestem zwykłą blogerką a nie redaktorką;)) Ale na dobry początek,jedna z cudownych prac Agnieszki;) Witam z tego miejsca – OGROMNE DZIĘKUJĘ Ilonce za konkurs, gdzie mogłam się pokazać i Wam za głosy i piękne komentarze....bez Was by mnie tu dziś nie było....

W świecie blogowym poruszam się jako Aga, a w realu jestem Agnieszką. Nie napiszę, że od zawsze interesowałam się rękodziełem i zawsze lubiłam coś robić. Szybko swoje poczynania przeniosłam na krepę. Jako że jestem zodiakalnym bliźniakiem nie mogę usiedzieć w miejscu i zajmować się stale tym samym więc próbuję jeszcze swoich sił w innych technikach: decu, szydełko, scrapbooking.... Są jeszcze rzeczy, których chcę spróbować, ale.....brakuje mi czasu:) Dziękuję i zapraszam do siebie.... Dzięki Aga za to;) Skromny jest,ale konkursowy;) papa;)) Rękodzieło z pasją: tutorial. Ponieważ kilka osób pytało jak robię te kwiaty, postanowiłam się podzielić wiedzą tajemną ;) To mój drugi kursik na quillingowe kwiaty, wcześniejszy znajdziecie TU. Pokazałam w nim jak zrobić kwiatki tego typu: Wracając do kursu. Do wykonania pojedynczego kwiatka potrzebne jest 11 pasków.

Robię dwukolorowe, więc przygotowałam 6 jasnych na wypełnienie płatków i środek oraz 5 ciemniejszych na obwódki płatków. Użyłam pasków o szerokości 3 mm i długości 30 cm, ale możecie spokojnie wykorzystać dłuższe lub krótsze w zależności od planowanego efektu końcowego. Poza tym potrzebny będzie: klej (specjalny do quiliingu, magic lub inny do papieru), igła do quillingu i jakiś przedmiot, który posłuży do zawijania obwódek (u mnie to pomadka ochronna o średnicy około 15 mm ;)) - ważne by można z niego zdjąć nawinięty pasek - zaraz się wszystko wyjaśni. Moje pasje i wybory - rękodzieło: Kursy. Wsadzamy kciuk lewej ręki w miseczkę i skręcamy u dołu. Takich płatków robimy 5 do każdej różyczki.

Pręciki wkładamy do pierwszego płatka, a drugim zakładamy za pierwszy i tak naokoło pręcików, aż do złożenia różyczki. Drucikiem owijamy różyczkę, a następnie zieloną owijką (bez użycia kleju) owijamy podstawę różyczki i drucik. Takich różyczek robimy ze sto, aby powstała zwisająca girlanda. Sznurek do wieszania bielizny, najlepiej gruby, jedwabny, owijamy zieloną owijką i przyczepiamy po kilka kwiatów (czyli w pęczkach) i doczepiamy liście. Koniec roboty! Róża dwubarwna Tą techniką posługuje się wiele bibułkarek na Kurpiach i jest to bardzo atrakcyjny model kwiatu, aczkolwiek nieco pracochłonny. . - bibuła w dwóch odcieniach, albo kolorach, - nożyczki, - klej w sztyfcie, - cienki drucik, - kijek (np. z jabłoni), - taśma malarska (papierowa).

Przycinamy dwa identyczne kawałki bibuł na płatki róży (szer. 10 cm). Bibuły łączymy kładąc je na sobie. Składamy w harmonijkę 10 takich kwadratów. Leaf Craft Idea. Fall is all about decorating and preparing for the holidays. The leaves, the colors, the tastes; they all lend to gatherings, and sharing food and drinks with friends and family. As much as I like to decorate, I won’t lie, I tend to do more fall DIY projects because…well, it’s cold! Don’t get me wrong, I’m out enjoying the leaves and smells of the season every chance I can get, but this project is a fun and festive craft that you can make on those chilly days you’d rather enjoy from indoors.

There’s nothing more beautiful than the fallen leaves. Why not preserve some of that beauty? So, have some fun and create something that all your holiday guests will be envious of! This DIY project was adapted from: What You Will Need: Leaves, go outside and gather your favorites! How to Assemble: ***Here are some more fun Fall Leaf Crafts! We hope you enjoy this craft as much as we do. Cassie Stephens: In the Art Room: Leaf Relief. Hey guys! This post has been very popular...if you are interested in other leaf related projects, be sure to look at this Leaf Printing post and my Leaf Press Project. Thanks! While second grade was completing that project, I was working with my third graders on these Leaf Reliefs. It's a very spring/summer kind of project, so I thought I'd share it with you. I like that I can talk about all of the elements of art when looking at something as simple as a leaf: the shape of the leaf; the lines and texture of the veins; the varying colors of each leaf; the cylinder form of the tree that the leaf came from.

And when we complete this project, we chat about the values we created and the positive and negative space of the leaf. I do a lot of what's called "call and response" in my classroom which is where I say something and the kids finish my phrase. Once that was complete, we took our boards, a large drop cloth and some cheapo spray paint outside. Hopefully this will inspire you as well.

Origami, kirigami, kumihimo

Technika - umiarkowane i lekkie. Pom Pompony z torebek plastikowych. Pom poms made from plastic bags are so very festive and they look so great its very hard to believe that they're made from plastic bags! So start saving those plastic bags, and put them to great use the next time you need an artistic gift wrapping solution, or some great party decorations. And as for the size of your pom poms, well you decide, since plastic bags work well for large pom poms as well as fairly small ones.

While one certailny can make plastic bag pom poms from strips of plastic bags, I recommend making plarn, (seen above) namely plastic bag yarn, from your hoard of bags, and using that to make pom poms as you would with regular yarn. So lets get started! You'll Need: plastic bags, the light weight/partly translucent kind used generally by grocery storessharp scissorsstringcardboard scraps How To Make Plastic Bag Pom Poms: Step 1: Collect your bags and make balls of "plarn" like in the photo above.

Folding 5 Pointed Origami Star Christmas Ornaments. These 5 pointed origami stars are easy to fold and make beautiful Christmas decorations. You can make them from magazines, scrapbook papers or sheet music, whatever you happen to have lying around. We don’t have our tree up just yet so for now I’ve put these Christmas star decorations on our mantelpiece. One of the 5 pointed origami stars is folded from scan of a dictionary page and the others are made from vintage style scrapbook papers. I went for vintage patterns but you could equally well use bright Christmas colors.

I also tried hanging them on the mirror in our living room and I think they look quite nice there: Perhaps we’ll move them to our Christmas tree once it’s up :-) Credit for this design belongs to Shuzo Fujimoto, who created the design in the 70s. Materials for 5 Pointed Origami Star All you need is: a square sheet of paper some scissors Origami purists will frown upon me using scissors but hey, this is the 21st century not feudal Japan ;-) Making the 5 Pointed Origami Star. How to Make Paper Beads. Sowy.

Festive Jam Jar candle holders - Mum In The Madhouse. I love candle light, especially during the Autumn and winter months when the dark nights are upon us. There is something warming and comforting and these festive jam jar candle holders are so easy to make. All you need is a selection of jam jars, things to decorated them with and some glue or double sided tape. We used lace (that was my mums), sheet music paper (which I sourced via Pinterest and have saved on my free printables board) and some scraps of ribbons.

These jam jar candles are not just for Christmas we have had them by our fire place since I made them last year! If you are a candle lover then make sure you take a look at my decorated pillar candles and teacup candles too Some other great jam jar candles: Sequined Jam Jar tea light holders by Nurturestore Granny Chic tea light holders by Tales from a Happy Home Festive candle holders by Planet Penny Jam jar and tissue paper luminaries by The Imagination Tree Glitter tea light holders by Be a Fun Mum Festive Jar lights by The Boy and Me. - Forum Rękodzieło Artystycznego • Indeks witryny.

Felt Heart Craft - Gifts Kids Can Make. We love it when our craft session ends in gifts that kids can make… these adorable little felt heart crafts are just that – turn them into key rings or zipper pulls on your school bags and you have a lovely little gift to give to a relative or a friend. We are craft mad here at Red Ted Art HQ so, crafts that can double up as something useful or as a gift for friends are especially popular (with The Englishman… hehehe less to store!). I also like this little felt heart crafts, as it is again a great way to introduce sewing to kids. It uses the simplest of sewing stitches – the running stitch – and there is actually only a little to sew for each key ring! Perfect. Materials: felt in different colours, a heart cookie cutter (or create a paper template), embroidery thread, ribbon for hanging to the key ring, a key ring, needle, scissors, stuffing, lavender (optional) 1) Use your cookie cutter to draw out the shape of your heart.

The kids decided their own colours for the hearts and threads. 5 Homemade Christmas Ornaments for Children to Make - Festive Friday! - Easy Homemade Christmas Wreath and the Return of Festive Friday! Mnóstwo pomysłów. Szycie w wielkim mieście czyli blog o szyciu, przeróbkach i projektowaniu: DIY-jesienne drzewo. Autumn Tree Door Decor. DIY Handmade: Torebka z papieru. Kursy | Kwiaty z bibuły | Rękodzieło | Bibułkarstwo Kwiaty z bibuły | Rękodzieło | Bibułkarstwo. Gwiazda Betlejemska z bibuły | Kwiaty z bibuły | Rękodzieło | Bibułkarstwo Kwiaty z bibuły | Rękodzieło | Bibułkarstwo. Róże z liści na Kurs wykonania słoneczników z bibuły | Kwiaty z bibuły | Rękodzieło | Bibułkarstwo Kwiaty z bibuły | Rękodzieło | Bibułkarstwo.

Jesienne dekoracje z papieru na Szyszki w śniegu (wata) Fall Leaves Bunting Kit Printable Craft - 100 Directions. 34 Fun Fall Printables. DIY Confetti Bowl. How to Make Paper Pumpkins for Fall. DIY Accordion Paper Butterflies with ASTROBRIGHTS® Papers. 12 Easy Creative Table Prompts for Kids. Creative Ideas - DIY Cute Woven Paper Basket Using Newspaper. 12 Autumn Crafts Ideas & a Hangout. Portalibros reciclando botellas de plástico | Manualidades. | Pinterest.

Paper Crafts for Kids. Minnie-mouse-masquerade-paper-lanterns-printables-0312. Find Inspiration With Valentine's Crafts, Wall Art And Gift Ideas. (JPEG Image, 448 × 2188 pixels) - Scaled (45%) Heart-Shaped Yarn Basket - Happy Hour Projects.

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