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My Breads Recipes

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How To Make Croissants [Chocolate Croissants, Pumpkin Spice Croissants, and Cinnamon Sugar Croissants] I hope you’re ready to see a billion underexposed photos of the same exact dough over and over and over again.

How To Make Croissants [Chocolate Croissants, Pumpkin Spice Croissants, and Cinnamon Sugar Croissants]

Please say yes, because you will be rewarded with this. This was a… project. To say the least. I have been dying to try homemade croissants for ages, but after mention of them when I made almond joy scones, I could hardly wait. I have a very nostalgic reason for loving croissants: since I was young, each summer my grandma would always pick up a croissant from the Bread Box Bakery in Boyne City. Garlic Cheese Mini Biscuits - Red Lobster Knock-off. Have I mentioned how addicted I am to Pinterest?

Garlic Cheese Mini Biscuits - Red Lobster Knock-off

Feel free to leave your Pinterest link in a comment so I can follow you-I'm twoofakind on there. Its opened my eyes to many new recipes including my family's new favorite side - Garlic Cheese Mini Puffs. In the post she gives the Red Lobster version and then the recipe for mini biscuits. Pretzel Bread. Baking bread, whether as an occupation or as a hobby, is extremely satisfying.

Pretzel Bread

Bakers have almost complete control over their bread, requiring little more than some very simple ingredients, time and the willingness to get his or her hands a little messy. Pretzel bread is not quite a simple as flat bread or dinner rolls, but the loaves come out of the oven with a deep, brown pretzel crust and a slightly sweet, tender center. This particular recipe should be treated as a base to which other ingredients may be added.