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Insegnare il present continuous. 3 attività per insegnare il Present Continuous In questo post Mary (che insegna inglese sia nelle lezioni private che presso le scuole "Bacone", "Rossello" , " Istituto Regina Carmeli ", "Istituto san Giuseppe") dà qualche idea divertente per insegnare il Present Continuous. Lei ama molto insegnare tramite giochi di squadra. Molti italiani (non solo bambini) si confondono quando usano il Present Simple e il Present Continuous, perché tendono a tradurli dall'italiano, rispettivamente come Presente Indicativo e con la perifrasi progressiva (verbo stare + gerundio). Sembra molto semplice, eppure molto spesso questa maniera di pensare conduce ad errori! La maniera più efficace per insegnare la grammatica ai bambini è fare entrare la lingua nella testa, perchè se i bimbi e i ragazzi cominciano a tradurre e a pensare alle categorie grammaticali che conoscono tenderanno a sbagliare perchè applicheranno all'inglese dele logiche che sono proprie dell'italiano.

Lesson Plan:Present Continuous. Katherine Bilsborough: A simple idea - The Weekend Game. A simple Idea For me, the best classroom activities are usually the most simple, requiring little or no preparation time and few or no materials. They are activities that can be adapted to use effectively with groups of different sizes, levels or ages and they can be used again and again even with the same students. The Weekend Game ‘The Weekend Game’ falls into all of those categories. It’s an activity I’ve been doing for decades. I didn’t invent it but I think I might have given it its name, just so that I could tell other teachers about it because it’s good!

Preparation time: 0Materials: 0Suitable for: Most ages, most levels Playing for the first time The first time you play, it’s a good idea to demonstrate the activity with a volunteer student and to write a few rules on the board. How to play Put students into pairs, A and B and explain that they are going to do a speaking task. Explain that students have a limited time. Student A: I had dinner at nine.Student B: Who made the dinner? Using stories in the classroom worksheet. Using stories in the classroom lesson plan. Present perfect 2 (I have done) Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest.