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Social. Collaboration. Productivity. Software. Web. Free Private Journal and Diary. Web 2.0 | Blog | O'Reilly Radar. I just read a Forbes article about Glass, talking about the split between those who are “sure that it is the future of technology, and others who think society will push back against the technology.” I don’t see this as a dichotomy (and, to be fair, I’m not sure that the author does either). I expect to see both, and I’d like to think a bit more about what these two apparently opposing sides mean. Push back is inevitable. I hope there’s a significant push back, and that it has some results. Not because I’m a Glass naysayer, but because we, as technology users, are abused so often, and push back so weakly, that it’s not funny.

Facebook does something outrageous; a few technorati whine; they add option 1023 to their current highly intertwined 1022 privacy options that have been designed so they can’t be understood or used effectively; and sooner or later, it all dies down. There will be push back against Glass; and that’s a good thing. Is Glass the future? Could Glass fail? My Meez ~~ Dress up your 3D avatar with items from Lil Mama, Chris Brown and SouljaBoy.

My Mobile Notepad. What are the best 100 Web 2.0 sites and services? We don't know. But you do. Us::Quickstart. Welcome to Hiveminder! (Part Two - More Features) Search Get specific and find only the tasks you need. Our robust search scheme allows you to refine your list to only tasks you want to see. You can search by using the people involved, by any of the relevant dates, by tags, by priority, or even by the notes attached to the tasks. Groups Any group of people you do stuff with can be a Hiveminder group, including your workplace, your household, your sports team, people you're throwing a party with, your band, or your book group. Task Review If you let us, we'll walk you through your list and force you to make some decisions about each task, like whether you want to put it off or assign it to someone else.

Tasks by email Email a task to Hiveminder for yourself or for someone else. Kyle's Cove. Vitaly Friedman's Notebook: List of nifty tools for drawing diagrams, charts and flow-charts. List of nifty tools for drawing diagrams, charts and flow-charts » Aug 18, 11:53 AM Update: The site is experiencing heavy load at the moment, please be patient. Meanwhile, you can digg the article, if you think it could be useful for other users.

Being a web-developer means not only being able to design web-sites or program their functionality. Sometimes it also means to be able to explain complex issues clearly and be able to present to your potential customers reasonable and convincing arguments – in order to find the best compromise between the customer’s wishes and the standards you respect. In fact, it is essential to make sure the customer understands which advantages you are actually offering and why this or that layout and markup are better for a given web-project. Developing web-sites over the last few years, I’ve been stumbling over the same problem over and over again: how can I visualize my idea easily and quickly? (compiled by Vitaly Friedman) Tutorials Free Web-Tools. Best of the Web.