Dr. Jonelle Anamelechi
Welcome to my page! It’s my opportunity to share with you. Motherhood. Pediatric Dentistry. And all the adventures in between!
Insights About Brushing and Parenthood - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. As a parent, we have so many shoes to fill inside and outside the home.
Apart from being professionals and business owners, we are also playmates cooks, chauffeurs, and all-around nannies to our little ones. It’s a thankless job, yes, but being a parent can also be a journey towards discovering what we really are to our children. As both a parent and a pediatric dentist, I think it matters a lot to be that supportive factor in the lives of my kids. What makes this challenging is that there is no ideal blueprint to becoming a mommy. Role of an Oral Myofascial Therapist - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Does your child experience certain behaviors such as not being able to chew, swallow or even speak properly?
They may be suffering from an OMD or an oral myofascial disorder. OMD’s are commonly muscle disorders that happen to affect actions such as these. They are usually the reason why you need to seek out an oral myofascial therapist or an OMT for treatment. In this blog, we’ll talk about how an OMT can help your child overcome these habits. The role of an oral myofascial therapist. Give Your Child a Healthy Smile - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. What does it take to have a healthy set of pearly whites?
Most people will strive for smiles that Hollywood celebrities possess. Then again, no one is born with the perfect smile but it does involve a great amount of care.With that being said, giving your kids a healthy smile is possible if you put in the effort from the get-go.They have a long way to go to achieving the perfect chompers. 1. Stick to a brushing schedule. Give Your Child a Good Night's Sleep - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Sleep is important to the development of a child.
On average, 12 hours of sleep is required for a child to replenish their energy and become active during the day. But more than just that, a good night’s sleep provides your child with various other benefits, including: Optimal learning and memory With a well-rested mind, children become attentive when learning new things. On the other hand, lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep can affect a child’s ability to retain information and engage in interactive learning activities. The Real Deal About Sleep Apnea - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Young as they are, children may develop sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing stops and starts at repeated and irregular intervals. They can come in three varieties: Dental Tips - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Our Dental Products - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Media - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Contact Me - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Become A Patient - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved. Dr. Jonelle Anamelechi - Mom Inspired Dentist Approved.