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99 Brain Blasting Cinema 4D Tutorials! Do I have a gift for outdoing myself or what?

99 Brain Blasting Cinema 4D Tutorials!

That's right, you guys have been begging for this since the last C4D roundup....but be careful what you wish for, cuz now this megalithic, earth shatteringly gargantuan list of 99 Cinema 4D tutorials is here to end life as we know it!!. Yep...this is the biggest roundup ever to be published on CGtuts+, and it's all Cinema 4d baby!.. Quick Multiball. 3D, Maya, Blender and more tutorials from beginner to advanced. Greyscalegorilla - Cinema 4D And After Effects Training, Tutorials, and Plugins for Motion Graphic Designers.

3d models « Cinema 4d Tutorial.