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Chef! Freshly Roasted Cashews? Roast Them Yourself. January 24, 2014By Edward Behr Credit: Kimberly Behr Freshly roasted cashews — barely colored, just cooled — combine that very soft crunch, exceptional among nuts, with a distinctly buttery and faintly almond flavor, something I had never noticed until I roasted my own.

Freshly Roasted Cashews? Roast Them Yourself

Besides perfect freshness, the advantage to roasting nuts yourself is that you can use as much or little salt as you like, be sure that nothing extraneous has been added, and get the exact degree of roast you want. Roasting your own ought to save money, but online prices for raw and roasted cashews are all over the map, so maybe not. The cashew tree originated on the northeastern coast of Brazil and now grows in various tropical countries. When you roast cashews yourself, assuming you prefer them salted, the question is how to get the salt to stick. VIDEO: How to Peel a Head of Garlic in Less Than 10 Seconds. <div> Please enable Javascript to watch this video </div> Executive Food Editor Todd Coleman shows us an amazing trick for peeling an entire head of garlic in less than 10 seconds — no acrid fingernails, no knife required.

VIDEO: How to Peel a Head of Garlic in Less Than 10 Seconds

Preparing Garlic to Help Promote Health Benefits. Recent scientific research tells us that slicing, chopping, mincing or pressing garlic before cooking can enhance the health-promoting properties of garlic.

Preparing Garlic to Help Promote Health Benefits

Garlic is rich in a wide variety of sulfur-containing compounds. One of the best studied is a compound called alliin. Alliin and a related enzyme (named "alliinase") are present but separated inside certain garlic cells when the garlic is whole and unbroken. How to make toum, the otherworldly Lebanese garlic paste. Peel Ginger with a Spoon Test Kitchen Gourmet Magazine. Morphologic Spice Index. Welcome to Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages. On these pages, I present solid information on (currently) 117 different spice plants.

Welcome to Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages

Emphasis is on their usage in ethnic cuisines, particularly in Asia; furthermore, I discuss their history, chemical constituents, and the etymology of their names. Last but not least, there are numerous photos featuring the live plants or the dried spices. To navigate through my site, use the search engine, browse the indices or go to the list of all spices. I am on an extended journey that leads me through the Indian subcontinent. To learn more of my past travelling route, and to see some pictures from well-known and lesser knows places in India, open the contact page.

List of all spices: Use FreeFind to search within these pages (Help) This site uses Google Analytics, a tool that helps me analyzing visitor navigation and thus yields useful information for further improvement of my site. Spice Mixture Index. In this index, I shall list all spice blends mentioned in my pages.

Spice Mixture Index

Descriptions are very basic here; to learn more about any mixture, read the article on the corresponding single spice. Baghar [बघार] (see onion) Not really a spice blend, but rather a cooking technique: Spices are fried in hot oil to develop their flavour. Ingredient Search. Medicinal Spices Exhibit - UCLA Biomedical Library: History & Special Collections. What and where is cream of tartar? Ajwain. Ajwain, ajowan (/ˈædʒəwɒn/)[3] (Urdu: اجوائن‎ ajwan), or carom, Trachyspermum ammi, is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae.


It originated in the eastern Mediterranean, possibly Egypt, and spread up to India from the Near East. Both the leaves and the fruit pods (often mistakenly called seeds) of the plant are consumed by humans. The plant is also called bishop's weed, but this is a common name it shares with some other different plants. The "seed" (i.e., the fruit pod) is often confused with lovage seed. Description[edit] Carom Seeds - Ajwain - Bishop's Weed. Indian name and pronounciation: Ajwain, pronounced as uj-wine Appearance, taste and smell: Ajwain seeds are pale khaki colored and look like a smaller version of cumin seeds.

Carom Seeds - Ajwain - Bishop's Weed

They are highly fragrant and smell and taste like thyme (with a stronger flavor). Que faire avec des blancs d'oeufs? Que faire avec des jaunes d'oeufs? Petit index pratique. Cooking With Spices: Saffron. Known for its bright yellow color, subtle flavor and expensive price tag, this spice comes from the saffron crocus flower (Crocus sativus).

Cooking With Spices: Saffron

When dried, stigmas of the flowers are collected to create the spice. Native to Greece and Southwest Asia, saffron is now grown in North Africa and North America. Recipes with Dried Fenugreek Leaves. Dried fenugreek leaves Viewed 21661 times Also Known asKasuri methi Description Fenugreek is an ancient spice especially for pickles.

Recipes with Dried Fenugreek Leaves

Kasturi Methi is the dried leave of the fenugreek plant. The dried leaves are used as an herb. 10 Ways to Use Orange Blossom Water : Perfume, Beauty, Food. I don’t often think of Marie-Antoinette whenever I use orange blossom water, but perhaps I should.

10 Ways to Use Orange Blossom Water : Perfume, Beauty, Food

By the time the French queen was playing shepherdess in Versailles, the cultivation of bitter orange trees in France was a long standing tradition solely for the purpose of producing this perfumed liquid. The aromatic distillation of fresh blossoms scented the linens of the nobility. It found its way into Marie Antoinette’s beauty preparations. It flavored madeleines, little French butter cakes that Marcel Proust immortalized in The Search for Lost Time.

How To Make Classic Italian Gremolata Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn. Gremolata is one of those things where the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts. After all, what could be be more common in a kitchen than garlic, lemon, parsley? And yet this Italian condiment, which simply consists of those three items finely chopped together, is your secret ingredient. Bulk organic herbs, spices, teas & essential oils. Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs. Legumerie. Victuals. Vegetarian. Herbs. Seeds. Healing Herbal.