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Curated Copyright. Content Curation Tools: Possibilities and Pitfalls. As organizations and individuals work to build their Twitter followers they eagerly watch for mentions and RTs (retweets). And then they spot something like this: "XYZ E-publication is out today! Top stories by @thisperson @thatperson @YOU! " Your first inclination is to quickly RT the tweet to all of your followers and respond to the poster with a heart-felt "gee, thanks so much for including me! " But, wait a minute, is there any real value in this kind of exposure? Robert A. Geller first learned of these tools, he says, when he started seeing his own posts and tweets mentioned in them.

The experience, he says, gave him a bad taste. Still, he acknowledges, there is a place for these tools when used wisely. Dr. Although the tools (think, Storify, and more) are increasingly easy to use, using them well requires training and education, says Ward. Robert Moritz is editorial director at Saatchi & Saatchi LA. (Image courtesy of Shutterstock.) Curate Content Research. Good Curation VS Bad Curation. What is good curation versus bad curation?

Good Curation VS Bad Curation

The image is a remix of a presentation entitled “Link Building by Imitation” and authored by link building expert Ross Hudgens — and explains the skill set pretty well. The original image used words like “theft” and “steal” and prompted a debate amongst curators like Robin Good who selected the resource and curated it. Robin’s point in curating this resource: Here’s a great visualization of how different can be the traits of content re-use. In the left column you can see what would appear to be the ideal traits of a professional curator, while on the right you can immediately recognize the ones of scrapers, republishers, cheap aggregators and other “thin” publishers as Google would call them.

Guillaume DeCugis, founder of Scoop.It, took issue with the chart because of using the words “theft.” I think debating the word theft takes us away from this point. The list of skills might, at first blush, feel like a lot of extra work. On Digital Collection Curation - Digital Collection Curation - LibGuides at LibGuides. April 2011 Pathfinder Options My personal favorite wiki creation tool is Wikispaces for teachers.

On Digital Collection Curation - Digital Collection Curation - LibGuides at LibGuides

(I know that others prefer and swear by PB Works.) The folks at Wikispaces give teachers free, ad-free wiki sites. Just remember to click on the button that identifies you as a K12 educator to remove any pesky ads. Digital Publishing: Curation vs Collection vs Experience. Content curation can be a powerful way to serve those in your market, and establish a unique brand position that differentiates you from your competitors.

Digital Publishing: Curation vs Collection vs Experience

Today, I want to explore that challenges of curation, and compare how it differs from merely ‘collecting.’ (Note: by curation, I mean to care for, and carefully select which content is shared, with the idea that removing something can sometimes make a collection even stronger.) Curation has been a big buzz word in online publishing for a long time now. While the word implies many great things: selecting only the greatest content for your audience – it can be a challenge for media companies to do this. With unlimited server space and free distribution, the temptation can be too great to share AS MUCH content as possible, with the theory that they are better serving the many sub-niches of their market.

A Curator's Tools and To-Do List. Going to a museum is an enhanced content-viewing experience; some of the work it takes to understand and appreciate art has already been done for you.

A Curator's Tools and To-Do List

That's the same confidence you feel when going to a good wine shop or bookstore. You know someone has reflected thoughtfully on the contents of those aisles, selected the best wines and books in a given category and done the research for you. And if you have questions, you can talk to someone who can answer them. That's the magic of the curator: Putting in the work to find the content that matters and assembling objects, ideas, and media into an experience that is meaningful to the consumer. Why Curation Is Just as Important as Creation [OPINION]

Blab blab hashtag

Learn more about Pearltrees forge. Bookmarks: Soon Obsolete? Since the Web first came online in 1991, it has grown and improved beyond anyone's predictions.

Bookmarks: Soon Obsolete?

Unlike the gray background, mono-spaced text and ugly graphics on the Web in those early years, today's Web is rich with video, interactive applications and other useful and distracting goodies. But even after all these years, the way we find, navigate and save content on the Web works pretty much like it always did. Here's a page with text. Some of the words are hyperlinked, so when you click on them, you open another page.

If you want to save something, there's a wide variety of tools that help you do so, but most people use the bookmarking feature built into their browsers, or social bookmarking sites. Modern curation: How does it change teaching? SmartBlogs. “The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.” — John Dewey Rewind: The old way of curation In the past, curating resources was relatively easy.

Modern curation: How does it change teaching? SmartBlogs

Teachers, known fondly to their family and friends as pack rats, filed and saved just about every piece of paper they could find. They crammed worksheets and memos into color-coded files near the back of the classroom. During my student teaching, there was a teacher who planned to retire in June. Such collections of valuable resources were not readily available at that time. Teachers were left to their own devices to find, aggregate and retain meaningful resources about their practice. While the old ways of curation still hold their value, they are far less likely to provide you with a thorough, interactive system for personalized learning. Fast forward: Modern curation. How to Curate Content & Influence People. I’m not a religious man.

How to Curate Content & Influence People

But I admire the community aspect of religion. The social binding that comes through a good priest watching over his flock. I guess that’s where the relatively new idea of “curated content” comes from. Sharing the latest and greatest thinking from around the world to create a community around your brand. In my case Zude PR…rather than God. Curated content. Comparing Six Ways to Identify Top Blogs in Any Niche. In the early days of blogging you could go to the Technorati Blog Index, enter some identifying terms for a particular niche topic and discover what the top blogs were in the field. Identifying top niche blogs is invaluable knowledge for anyone wanting to enter, study or market to people in a particular field. It's one of the fastest and most effective ways to learn the lay of the land and get involved in the community of successful artists, real estate agents or 4-H club leaders using social media.

How Content Curation Can Improve Your Search Rankings. Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why

When it comes to the Internet, I imagine it as the warehouse where the Ark is archived at the end of Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark. SEO-Friendly Content Curation. By Virginia Nussey, April 29, 2013 If you're a brand online, today's conversational media world requires you're also a publisher if you have any hope of holding space in the public marketplace.

SEO-Friendly Content Curation

Yet the requirements of publishing are a tall order for most brands. Today's savvy audience has high standards for content deemed worthwhile and sharable. Brands are seeking a way to balance quality requirements with their own publishing resources, and technologies are the key to striking that balance. Technologies are being built up around content curation. Content Curation and the Interest Graph: Delivering Context to the Consumer. In December, an article I wrote "Content Is King, But Distribution Is Queen and She Wears the Pants" was nominated and won an end-of-the-year contest for the best content marketing post of 2013.

Content Curation and the Interest Graph: Delivering Context to the Consumer

The contest was run by a new startup called ShareBloc, a new content distribution platform for professionals to share and curate content. The original post identified the growing problem of content saturation on the Internet. Good distribution — whether paid or earned — can help content marketers cut through that noise. 6 Facts About Content Curation and SEO You May Not Know. Content Curation : An Essence of New-Age Digital Marketing. With the instant availability of meaningful content, videos on You Tube, millions of blog scrolls and other informational gateways, organizations are finding the need for content curators in social media. Content curation is the method of locating, organizing and sharing online content. Frankly, we need curators to go through the lofty task of wading through endless scrolls of information until they find the hidden gems.

What curators do is weed out the bad and present us with the good: the information that’s interesting, intriguing, things that fit our tastes, enrich our lives and, more importantly, that helps make our online experience more enjoyable.Content curation has gone mainstream and and there are countless people relying on it to free them from the muddled online world. Content Curation Glossary - Resources. Aggregate - the process of compiling and grouping information. Ann Handley - Chief Content Officer at MarketingProfs, a leading marketing resource for marketing professionals.

Co-author of Content Rules. Autoblogging - refers to the process of automatically posting content to your blog or website. Content is commonly generated by an RSS feed or other type of aggregator. Curating the Best of Tech and Social Media for Families. Comment détruire votre communauté en 10 leçons. Si vous avez le malheur de développer un projet « open source » au sein de votre entreprise alors vous courrez le risque de voir arriver une « communauté » qui peut à tout moment s’agréger autour du code source de votre logiciel et en menacer sa bonne gouvernance.

Heureusement le développeur Josh Berkus est là pour vous expliquer point par point comment faire pour être certain de ruiner et dissoudre toute velléité communautaire (au cours d’une intervention donnée il y a un mois à la et relatée ici par Jonathan Corbet)[1] Un article évidemment ironique (qui détourne les howto), mais qui donne à réfléchir sur les relations subtiles et complexes qui peuvent exister entre les communautés et les entreprises qui œuvrent sur un même projet. [LeWeb'11] "Pearltrees est à l'origine de la curation !" Patrice Lamothe, CEO. LeWeb'11, c'est the place to be pour tout ceux qui s'intéressent de près ou de loin au web. Que ce soit pour networker ou simplement pour découvrir les tendances du moment, l'événement reste fidèle à sa promesse d'être le lieu où gourous du Net et jeunes pousses se croisent et participent à inventer le futur proche.

Pearltrees: What problem does Pearltrees solve. Knowledge Management Online. The 3 Pillars of Content Curation (Redux) The 5 Laws Of Content Curation. The 5 Models Of Content Curation. The Content Strategist as Digital Curator. The term “curate” is the interactive world’s new buzzword. Content Curation: Beyond the Institutional Repository and Library Archives - Personal Knowledge Management for Academia & Librarians. Digital Content Curation Is Career for Librarians. By John Farrier. What is Content Curation? What Is Content Curation? If you’re like most overstretched and under-resourced marketers, you’re too busy to churn out original content that engages prospects, builds relationships, and supports your branding strategy.

Révolution d'évolution. Curation: The Next Big Thing? Curation. Content Curation. Content curation ~ storytelling. Content Curation. Curation. 5-curation. And then there is curation... NeWeb Teams. Memento. Bookmarx Quest. Museums. Libraries. COOL STUFF. Exhibere.