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MATLAB Tutor Part 8. MATLAB can find the derivative of symbolic expressions. Higher derivatives can also be found easily. These derivatives can be evaluated for arbitary values of the independent variable. First we declare x to be a symbolic variable and define g to be the function given by g(x) = x2 cos x. Enter:syms x g = x^2*cos(x) Now enter:diff(g, x) Then enter:diff(g, x, 2) How would you calculate the third derivative? If you want to calculate the derivative of an expression that you have not yet entered, just replace g by the expression.

For example, enter:diff(x^3-x^2+2, x)Now insert a symbolic constant a into the expression. Enter:syms a diff(x^3 - a*x^2 + 2, x)Then change the final x to an a. Principles of Electric Circuits Conventional Current Version 9th Edition Textbook Solutions | Index of /~jstiles/312/handouts. ECE 3050 - Analog Electronics.

Page Contents This is the web page for ECE 3050 Analog Electronics, taught by Dr. W. Marshall Leach, Jr. Cell Phones Before coming into my office, please turn your cell phone off. Notes Old copies of this page or documents linked on this page may be in the cache of your web browser. Formula Summary Sheets Supplementary Material The TL071 Operational Amplifier Circuit Diagram. How to use Mason's Flow Graph Formula How to use superposition with dependent sources ECE 3040 Class Notes. Log-log graph paper for Bode plots. Paper on superposition with controlled sources. Summer 2010 Course Syllabus Graduate Teaching Assistant The GTA for the class is Roger Liang.

Quiz Solutions Quiz 1 (Ave = 32/40), Quiz 2 (Ave = 30/40), Quiz 3 (Ave = 30/40), Quiz 4 (Ave = 32/40), Quiz 5 (Ave = 30/40), Quiz 6 (Ave = 35/40), Quiz 7 (Ave = 26/40), Quiz 8 (Ave = 31/40), Quiz 9 (Ave = 33/40), Quiz 10 Homework Problems Class Notes Circuit Analysis Superposition with Controlled Sources The PN Junction Diode Diff-Amp Mathcad 7 Examples. Using the TI-89 Calculator. Amplifier circuit schematic projects. Electronic circuit schematics. Finite State Machines.