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LA Game Space | Center for Videogame Art × Design × Research. Make LA Game Space possible—Best Game Bundle Ever for $15! by LA Game Space. LA Game Space is a nonprofit center for video game art, design, and research, where people of all backgrounds can discover the potential of games together. The Space supports four core activities: Exhibitions, Talks/Workshops, the Artist Residency, and Research Labs. Everyone worldwide may freely participate in our events via live-streaming and archived recordings.

Please join our amazing community, help launch the space, and receive exclusive backer rewards from game makers and artists. Katamari-creator Keita is making a new game with Adam Saltsman (Canabalt) and releasing it exclusively through our Kickstarter for ALL PLEDGES $5 and up! It will work with Windows, Mac, and Linux! The rise of the independent games movement is a significant milestone in the history of video games. Everyone listed above is generously creating a new game and donating it to this Kickstarter because they believe in making LA Game Space possible.

If you love video games, owning this game pack is essential.

HTML5 Game Libraries

HTML5 Game Development. OnGameStart US 2013. OGS 2013 Speakers.