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Elsa S. Henry: So, You Wanna Write A Blind Character? Elsa Sjunneson-Henry is a bonafide bad-ass, and she doesn’t need Daredevil’s skills to do it.

Elsa S. Henry: So, You Wanna Write A Blind Character?

Elsa writes a lot on the subject of disability and diversity, and here, she’s going to teach us sighted oundaolks a thing or two about what blindness is and how you might tackle the subject in your stories. Note, you can ask her followup questions in the comments, but please don’t ask her to critique your manuscript or characters. Cover Letter Format - Fiction Forum. Jan 20, 2008 Posted by Michael on Jan 20, 2008 in Articles | 11 comments provided by The Fiction Forum Your cover letter is the first impression any editor will have of your writing abilities.

Cover Letter Format - Fiction Forum

Therefore, the cover letter should be straightforward and concise. How to Write Dialogue Without Using Adverbs. Lips body language. Techniques > Use of body language > Parts-of-the-body language > Lips body language Parted | Pursed | Puckered | Sucked in | Flattened | Turned up | Turned down | Retracted | Moving | Twitching | Protruding | Biting | Relaxed | See also Lips can say a lot of things without words.

Lips body language

Our muscles around them mean we can shape them with incredibly fine control. Lipstick is used to draw attention to the lips, thus exaggerating further the signals sent by them. Parted Lips which are slightly parted can be a strong flirting signal, particularly if the lips are then licked and even more so if done whilst holding the gaze of another person.

Parting lips is the first stage in speaking and may thus be a signal that the person wants to talk. Pursed Lips which are pulled inwards from all directions are an indication of tension and may indicate frustration or disapproval. Pursed lips are a classic sign of anger, including when it is suppressed. Puckered When you say 'oo', the lips form the kiss shape. Moving. Guide to Tense Usage in English. The shapes of stories. Frequently Used Prepositions in English. 7 Ways to Fix a Messy Manuscript. The first draft of my YA novel BLANK was a complete disaster.

7 Ways to Fix a Messy Manuscript

I had taken a random approach to writing it, jotting down whatever I could between diaper changes and other distractions. I tried not to concern myself with structure or plot, thinking I would fix all that “later.” When “later” became hundreds of pages that somewhat resembled a novel, I knew the task ahead of me was not for the faint-hearted. I experimented with many approaches to get BLANK ready for submission (and eventual publication), and survived, only slightly traumatized, to share these tips for repairing even the most chaotic of first drafts. A View To A Skill. Ok, so this post has nothing to do with James Bond and everything to do with viewpoint.

A View To A Skill

For most writers, viewpoint is almost instinctive. We tend to use the viewpoint we are most comfortable with. Take a look at your favourite books, the ones you tend to reread. Chances are you will write in the same viewpoint they are written in. Dirty 30s! - The Lester Dent Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot. This is a formula, a master plot, for any 6000 word pulp story.

Dirty 30s! - The Lester Dent Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot

It has worked on adventure, detective, western and war-air. It tells exactly where to put everything. It shows definitely just what must happen in each successive thousand words. Blow-By-Blow: Writing Action and Fight Scenes. Conflict, as we all know, is the lifeblood of a story.

Blow-By-Blow: Writing Action and Fight Scenes

And nothing quite epitomizes raw conflict like a thrilling fight scene. If you’re like me, you crave those climactic moments in prose or on the screen, when, the hero and villain finally find themselves facing each other, circling, ready to duke it out and solve this thing, mano a mano. (11 literary agents share what NOT to write in your query letter.)

Column by Fonda Lee, author of debut novel ZEROBOXER (April 2015, Flux/Llewellyn). Her novel is an upper YA science fiction story about a young man battling to make it to the top in the world of zero-gravity prizefighting amid brewing interplanetary conflict between Earth and Mars. No matter at what point they occur in a story, fight scenes are like blocks of C-4 plastic explosive. For most writers, fight scenes are one of those areas where the old adage “write what you know” often does not serve well. 1. 14 Things To Do To Be A Great Writer. I am an author, a playwright, and a freelance editor.

14 Things To Do To Be A Great Writer

I get asked all of the time what advice I have for aspiring writers. I have met a lot of talented and amazing authors of plays, novels, poems, and screenplays, and they all share the same habits Here a few things you can do as well. 1. Write every day The idea of sitting down every single day and writing profound literary prose can be overwhelming. 2. How to write a crime novel worth reading.

Aerogramme Writers' Studio15 Ways to Write a Novel I Max Barry. Every year I get asked what I think about NaNoWriMo, and I don’t know how to answer, because I don’t want to say, “I think it makes you write a bad novel.”

Aerogramme Writers' Studio15 Ways to Write a Novel I Max Barry

This is kind of the point. You’re supposed to churn out 50,000 words in one month, and by the end you have a goddamn novel, one you wouldn’t have otherwise. If it’s not Shakespeare, it’s still a goddamn novel. The NaNoWriMo FAQ says: “Aiming low is the best way to succeed,” where “succeed” means “write a goddamn novel.” Tipsheet Using Strong Verbs - A.

Whether you are competing for a job, a client, or the attention of a busy audience, one of the best ways of grabbing and keeping a reader is to use strong, descriptive verbs.

Tipsheet Using Strong Verbs - A

Compare the previous sentence to this one:To compete for a job, client, or any busy audience, use active verbs to grab and keep the readers attention. Do you feel the improved strength and style in the second sentence? Super Easy Storytelling. Verbs are words that show action. One interesting action verb can add a lot of detail to a story. Drink vs. Guzzle... Walk vs. 6 insanely good dialogue tips from your future literary agent. I’m going to let you in on a little secret … dialogue is one of the first things a literary agent will check when evaluating the marketability of your book. The reason is simple really. Dialogue instantly reveals your skill as a writer. Bad dialogue signals the work of an amateur who has failed to grasp the mechanics of speech. Good dialogue illuminates your characters, moves your plot forward, and develops relationships.

We update this site regularly with new great resources. Dialogue Dos and Don’ts. By Erin In the post Show, Don’t Tell, I mentioned dialogue as one of the ways you can “show” your reader what’s happening in a scene. Effective dialogue is an essential part of both fiction and creative nonfiction writing. Good dialogue can be tricky. It needs to move the story forward and reveal important character information without seeming artificial. It needs to seem realistic without actually being realistic. Confused? It should follow some simple grammatical rules. How to Describe a Character's Looks Well (with Examples)

Edit Article Sample Character DescriptionsWrite Descriptions for Your Characters Edited by Foxglove, Chris Williams, Juelle Bembry, Lillian May and 27 others If you’re writing a story, it’s important to not only be able to describe your characters’ looks, but also know what kind of impressions these details will give to your reader. Here are instructions on how to describe a character’s appearance as well as things to keep in mind as you go. Ad Steps. Here’s how to give your antagonist a little oomph. 6 Tips to Choosing the Right Point of View. You have an idea for a short story. You’re really excited about it, so immediately you sit down and begin writing. One sentence, two … you’re rolling. But already you’ve made a major choice that might have been better with a few minutes thinking before you began to write.

You’ve committed to a point of view (POV). And it might not be the best one for your story. 101 of the Best Fiction Writing Tips, Part I. What if someone went through the biggest and best blogs on the internet, and pulled out the very best-of-the best tips for fiction writers? Awesome Action Verbs. Here's how to write a damn good fight scene.

101+ Power Verbs to Use in Writing. Writing Adolescent Fiction/Describing physical characteristics. If you have read classics or other older stories aimed at an adult audience, you have probably seen physical descriptions like this: Jack was a lanky, spindly old fellow, with arms like twigs. His feet resembled shovels. How to Describe a Book Character in an Interesting Way: 5 Steps. Great Character Descriptions from Science Fiction and Fantasy Books.