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Toronto all gigs classifieds "singer" - craigslist. Jobs for Music Majors? : YoungJobs. DIY Lace Pockets. Volume 7 Number 3 Summer 1997 - Treatment of Childhood Schizophrenia Utilizing LSD and Psilocybin. Treatment of Childhood Schizophrenia Utilizing LSD and Psilocybin Gary Fisher, Ph.D. Now that the FDA has permitted research with LSD and psilocybin to resume, we feel it is important to share examples of a remarkable experiment, the results of which were not sufficiently taken into account because this line of research was prematurely halted in the mid-sixties due to political considerations. Childhood schizophrenia is still a difficult problem to treat and causes much suffering. It is a terrible shame that research done 35 years ago is still the last word on the use of psychedelics to treat these conditions. - Ed. Hypothesis The working hypothesis of this study is that psychosis is a massive defensive system of repression-avoidance-denial in the service of protecting the individual from experiencing early childhood trauma.

Ward Conditions The ward in which these children lived was in a state of constant pandemonium. New Behavior Patty's First Session The Second Session The Third Session. Amazing Tron Dance performed by Wrecking Orchestra [Better Quality]