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Developing Backbone.js Applications - O'Reilly Media. After two courses through the increasingly complex demo application, the book went beyond my level of interest, introducing extensions like Marionette and then covering modularization using Require.js.

Developing Backbone.js Applications - O'Reilly Media

No doubt those latter parts were as carefully written and reviewed as the first parts, so developers with a deeper interest in the framework shouldn't take my lack of interest as any sort of criticism. Osmani comes across as good-natured and certainly knows the material. The code samples work, explanations are thorough without any sort of condescension, and the content is well-organized. A developer with some JavaScript experience can pick things up typing through the code samples – I completed my first (small, but non-trivial) Backbone application with little trouble immediately after completing Osmani's first two demos. I did notice in my first solo project that I had little idea how to implement the "model" part of the MV* (as he calls it) framework.

Christophe Coenraets. RESTful services with jQuery, PHP and the Slim Framework. <?

RESTful services with jQuery, PHP and the Slim Framework

Php require 'Slim/Slim.php'; $app = new Slim(); $app->get('/wines', 'getWines'); $app->get('/wines/:id', 'getWine'); $app->get('/wines/search/:query', 'findByName'); $app->post('/wines', 'addWine'); $app->put('/wines/:id', 'updateWine'); Backbone.js Wine Cellar Tutorial — Part 1: Getting Started. One of the challenges when building nontrivial Web applications is that JavaScript’s non-directive nature can initially lead to a lack of structure in your code, or in other words, a lack of… backbone.

Backbone.js Wine Cellar Tutorial — Part 1: Getting Started

JavaScript is often written as a litany of free-hanging and unrelated blocks of code, and it doesn’t take long before it becomes hard to make sense of the logic and organization of your own code. Backbone.js is a lightweight framework that addresses this issue by adding structure to JavaScript-heavy Web applications.Self-contained building blocks Backbone.js provides several classes (Model, Collection, View, Router) that you can extend to define the building blocks of your application. To build an app with Backbone.js, you first create the Models, Collections, and Views of your application. You then bring these components to life by defining a “Router” that provides the entry points of your application through a set of (deep-linkable) URLs.

Data Binding Elegant REST Integration Download. Developing Backbone.js Applications - O'Reilly Media. BackBone Tutorial – Part 1: Introduction to Backbone.Js. Introduction In this article we will try to look at the basics of Javascript frameworks an try to introduce backbone.js Background Link to complete series: It was a long time ago (almost a decade back) when most software applications were getting built as standalone applications.

These applications were targeted at a single user and ran on their operating systems. The major differentiating factor for these two applications was that the distributed applications provided an interactive user experience whereas web applications provided very limited features (due to technology limitations). Both these approaches had pros and cons and something needed to be done to get the best of both worlds. Then came the time when browsers became more capable and HTML became more mature. So why should we write single page apps when they lead to bad code? Currently there are quite a few Open Source JavaScript frameworks available that help us solve the problem of spaghetti code. Separation of Concerns and MVC. Developing Backbone.js Applications -

By Addy Osmani (@addyosmani) Available free for open-source reading below or for purchase via the O'Reilly store.

Developing Backbone.js Applications -

Pull requests and comments always welcome. Prelude Not so long ago, “data-rich web application” was an oxymoron. Today, these applications are everywhere and you need to know how to build them. Traditionally, web applications left the heavy-lifting of data to servers that pushed HTML to the browser in complete page loads. Think of the Ajax shopping cart which doesn’t require a refresh on the page when adding an item to your basket. The rise of arbitrary code on the client-side which can talk to the server however it sees fit has meant an increase in client-side complexity. Thankfully, there are a growing number of JavaScript libraries that can help improve the structure and maintainability of your code, making it easier to build ambitious interfaces without a great deal of effort.

Target Audience Acknowledgements Credits Target Version Reading What Is MVC? Backbone.js Tutorials - Learn Backbone.js. 1.js. Learning Backbone - Backbone examples tutorials. I’m learning BackboneJS, Underscore and related coding strategies.

Learning Backbone - Backbone examples tutorials

I will share with you my experience on this stuff publishing a set of full documented examples in a GitHub repository. » Go to the Learning Backbone repo on GitHub! « 001. Hello World Display a bouncing “hello world” string implementing a basic Backbone app. 002. It uses a Backbone’s View object to handle the “hello world” string plus belong to a jQuery plugin to expose the bouncing effect. 003. This is the first interactive example. 004. Configure a Backbone’s View object to handle some basic events on buttons, links, input and write some log informations responding to these events.

Log messages are created by compiling some Backbone’s View objects with custom events data.