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Working as an enabler of the digital ecosystem, Mobcoder helps startups & enterprises to harness the full potential of their business strategies through scalable apps. Our digital teams have a specialized acumen to create interactive, dynamic, and user-friendly Web & Mobile apps for both platforms (Android, iOS) with the same expertise.

Best IOS App Development Company in USA- Mobcoder. Best Android App Development Company in USA- Mobcoder. 5 Cross-Platform App Frameworks Stand in 2021- Mobcoder. 5 Best Cross-Platform App Frameworks in 2021- Mobcoder by Mobcoder. 5 Best Cross-Platform Mobile App- Mobcoder. 5 Best Cross-Platform App Frameworks Stand in 2021. Transformation can’t define the magic bandwagon of smartphones & apps.

5 Best Cross-Platform App Frameworks Stand in 2021

Because it is a kind of revolution that changes the way businesses function and how people interact and live their lives. Google Launches Flutter 2.0- Mobcoder, Google Launches Flutter 2.0- Mobcoder by Mobcoder. Why Kotlin is Future of App Development. Java has always been considered the primary language for android app development.

Why Kotlin is Future of App Development

Well, it is still the best or not is a bone of contention for the developer community. However, Java has already carved its niche as a robust and official language. But it has some challenges which have been acting as a deterrent for developers. With the advent of more robust languages, multiple JVM languages have started gaining traction among developers. Fortunately, the topic of our write-up is Kotlin that is leading the race and has become a favorite choice for android development with Kotlin. How to Submit Your App to the App Store. Before the app finds itself on the App Store, it has to get through a review.

How to Submit Your App to the App Store

For the process to be completed quickly and successfully, Apple provides requirements for each product page element. In this guideline, we’ve gathered all the information you need to consider before submit app to the App Store. Prerequisites for criteria of uploading an app in the app store The product has to be ready for submission and must comply with Apple’s App Store Guidelines.

It has to be submitted from Apple Developer Program Account, not from the Apple Developer Enterprise Program).Apps 6+q`have to be developed on a system that runs Mac OS X.Xcode. Why is Kotlin considered the Future of Android Application Development? How To Submit App To the App Store in 2021. 5 Common mistakes to avoid during android app development.

When we talk about the Android App Development ecosystem, the discussion on high competition is always at the forefront.

5 Common mistakes to avoid during android app development

Till now, Android has amassed a massive 2.5 billion user base alone and app developers tend to rush to get the market with their products. But to stay ahead in the competition of Android app development services, Android programmers need to be more creative while developing their apps. They should understand their user base, their priorities, and what they like about the apps. Today, every developer wants faster development time and commits errors in trying the achieve the same. So to avoid these errors and ensure faster development time, developers need to avoid the below points. 1. This is the most common mistake developers tend to commit during android app development. 2.

All smartphone users love content, especially when they are in the form of images. 3. HOW MUCH CAN YOU EARN FROM YOUR MOBILE APP? – Feednamer. How much money one can make through a mobile app?


This has been a question that got a lot of traction recently among mobile app development company in USA. Through this write-up, we will try to give you a complete explanation. Those who have already have an app developed or others who are planning to develop one. The answer is, an app has huge prospects to earn a significant amount. Ok, let us quote a real market example for you. GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH A MOBILE APPLICATION. 40 Views There were times when only big players and leading corporations were investing in building mobile applications and today is the time where mobile applications have become a necessity that even newbies have also started to invest in the same.


Mobile usage has seemingly taken over our lives. How to choose a Mobile Application Development Company? 5 Mobile App Development Trends in 2021. The way we work, shop, communicate, travel, and study has transformed.

5 Mobile App Development Trends in 2021

Of course, there are myriad contributing factors behind this transformation. But Mobile app development has become one of the significant ones. And over the years, with the advent of cognitive technologies, mobile apps have evolved to an unprecedented level. During the years 2019 and 2020, technologies like the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud-Native Apps, Virtual and Augmented Reality, 5G Technology have disrupted the landscape of the mobile app development ecosystem. This write-up will outline the top 5 technology trends that are destined to influence the mobile app development landscape in 2021 and maybe beyond that. The introduction of 5G technology will leave a great impact on the trends in mobile app development in general. The speed of 5G is the main contributing factor here.

Android vs. iOS- Difference Between iOS and Android. Android vs iOS- Difference between Android And iOS by Mobcoder. DeckHow to Publish App to Play Store- Mobcoder. How to Publish App to Google Play Store- Mobcoder by Mobcoder. How to Publish App to Play Store? Android Vs iOS- Faceoff. Google Launches Flutter 2.0- Flutter Engage. Google Launches Flutter 2.0. Google has recently unveiled the Flutter 2.0 version.

Google Launches Flutter 2.0

It’s an open source UI development kit that helps app makers build cross-platform software from an equivalent codebase. It is Google’s ongoing effort to permit developers to make apps for Android, iOS, the web — including installable PWAs — Fuchsia, embedded systems, and desktop platforms, all with an equivalent Dart code. For a while now, Flutter for Desktop has been in an alpha stage, which meant changing APIs, bugs, and performance issues. With Flutter 2.0, Google has moved its status to somewhere between beta and stable. How to Publish App to Play Store. The first thing which comes to mind after the completion of your first application development is ‘How To Publish App To Play Store?.’

How to Publish App to Play Store

Publishing for the first time may be thrilling and tricky. Don’t worry. In this article you will read step by step App release process on the Play Store Publish that is no doubt the leader in the number of published apps and users. So now, let’s start with publishing your very first app following play store submission guidelines. Android Vs. iOS- Which is The Best Platform For App Development. Do you ever think of using a smartphone running an operating system other than Google’s Android or Apple’s iOS?

Android Vs. iOS- Which is The Best Platform For App Development

Maybe not, because the debate between iOS vs Android is a decade old and they have been dominating the market since then. However, there are other app stores like GetJar, Aptoide, Opera Mobile Store available in the marketplace. Top 5 Blockchain Programming languages need to consider in 2021. Blockchain Programming Languages to learn in 2021. Top 5 Blockchain Programming languages need to consider in 2021 – Telegraph. By evaluating the current technology trends from the last decade, we can lucidly witness technologies like Blockchain have got the most traction. Going by the stats, it will cross about $16 billion by 2023. After cognitive technologies like Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Blockchain has become the famous buzzword among innovative technologies.

The world of technology has embraced this technology with much fanfare, and today blockchain development companies are doing pretty much good in their domain. Now, it is being used in multiple sectors fields: Healthcare, Financial Transactions, Software development, Edtech, and more. But still, Bitcoin remains the most famous face of blockchain. Blockchain Programming Languages to learn in 2021. Blockchain technology and blockchain programming languages are regarded as the most disruptive technology of 2020, second only to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Let’s see some of its varied fields: cross-border payments, healthcare, apparel, agriculture, edtech, etc.

However, bitcoin remains the most famous example of blockchain technology. Developed by a group of experts under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, bitcoin is the most secure cryptocurrency using blockchain. The high security of blockchain technology may seem esoteric, but surprisingly the technology itself is congruous with trending programming languages that include C#, Java, Python, etc. What’s great about Flutter? Flutter App Development- Mobcoder. Businesses have to make critical decisions when it comes to the selection of mobile technologies. They are always in constant pursuit of testing and evaluating technologies to deliver digital experiences for multiple devices and systems.

Now, their pursuit can be ended with Flutter App Development. Unfortunately, businesses that fail to ride on this digital wave and fail to make services and products future-proof, maximize their risk of falling behind the competition. Volkswagen with Microsoft. Volkswagen with Microsoft to work on the Cloud-based Automated Driving Platform. Automated cars might be just around the corner, but they are, undeniably, they are down the road. Thanks to the frequent technology interventions, now self-driving have reached a point where they can respond and perform better than human intelligence.

Now, companies are investing their tech expertise and resources to push their limits of innovation to dominate this automated car ecosystem. Volkswagen, Tesla, Uber, Lyft, Waymo some incumbent automakers, and tech giants like Google & Microsoft are rallying behind strongly to push this concept where the sky is the limit. According to the Allied Market Research, this autonomous vehicle market could reach from US$54.23 billion in 2019 to US$556.67 billion in 2026, with a CAGR of 39.47%. It also estimates that Europe will lead with a CAGR of 42.6% during 2019-2026.

Introducing Unity Forma- Now Reimagine Marketing With Real Time 3D. Creativity is the oxygen in marketing- it is important in every aspect, starting from how we understand and collaborate with people who use our categories, to making sense of brand challenges, and coming up with memorable solutions which will build our brands, as well as landing a sale. Unity Forma empowers marketing professionals to quickly create and publish marketing content and interactive experiences from 3D product data – without needing to learn the intricacies of Unity or how to code.

Unity Forma enables creation of captivating digital marketing content and interactive 3D experiences from one master model. Real-time 3D offers the best of both worlds. It supports advanced media formats – interactive 3D, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality – that connect and engage consumers in a highly impactful, emotional, and interactive way, ultimately helping drive results like greater engagement and higher sell-through. 8 Mobile App Development Trends of 2021. How is Augmented Reality Reshaping Travel And Tourism. Best Apple Watch Apps 2021. What is FinTech- Fintech Projection for 2021 And Beyond. What is FinTech- Technology in Finance by Mobcoder. Is Koo The New Twitter? Is Koo the New Twitter?- What is Koo- An Overview. Koo, Koo, What is this buzz about? Difference Between Google Play And App Store. Flutter Vs React Native- Differences Between Flutter And React Native- Mobcoder. Best Apple Watch Apps in 2021- Mobcoder.

Best Apps for Apple Watch 2021 by Mobcoder. Best Apple Watch Apps 2021. The Future of Mobile App Development: 5 Trends for 2021. Best Apple Watch Apps 2021- Mobcoder. Future of Mobile App Development- 5 Trends That Will Dominate 2021. Enterprises always lookout for the latest technology trends to stay ahead of the competition and mobile application development is not an exception. Nevertheless, the use of enterprise mobile applications against the download rate is always debated by experts. To provide clarity, in this post, I have provided information about the growth and future of mobile application development despite a decline in downloads. Also, I have shared 5 mobile app development trends for 2021, which many may find useful. Let’s get started with enterprise mobile app downloads vs. use statistics.

According to a Comscore report, a majority of users (51%) still don’t download any apps in a month and the trend is set to continue. So, does that mean the growth of mobile applications is declining? Well, the sections below will help both the enterprises, mobile, and web app development companies. Current trends and future prospects of the mobile app market 1. 2. 3. 4. Use cases of chatbots for enterprises. The Future of Mobile App Development: 5 Trends for 2020 - Latest Technology Blogs & Updates by Top Research Agency. Enterprises always lookout for the latest technology trends to stay ahead of the competition and mobile application development is not an exception. Nevertheless, the use of enterprise mobile applications against the download rate is always debated by experts. To provide clarity, in this post, I have provided information about the growth and future of mobile application development despite a decline in downloads. Best Apple Watch Apps 2021.

The Apple Watch benefits from a bountiful selection of apple watch apps, which elongates its array of features beyond the standard watchOS experience. From nook sports tracking to a wrist-based appendage of your preferred travel, mapping, and productivity apps, the Apple Watch is the best smartwatch when it comes to third party apps. Blockchain Programming Languages to Learn in 2021- Mobcoder. Which Blockchain Programming Languages to Learn in 2021 by Mobcoder. Blockchain Programming Languages to learn in 2021. Top 10 Blockchain Programming Languages to Learn in 2021. The wide-ranging investment on the Blockchain technology is expected to cross a whooping 15.9 billion USD by 2023 as per Developers Stats. Blockchain technology and blockchain programming languages is regarded as the most disruptive technology of 2020, second only to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Blockchain is indeed a disruptive technology as the time passes by we can witness revolution in the application field.

Salesforce- Introducing Vaccine Cloud. Salesforce Introduces Vaccine Cloud- A Quick Overview. Salesforce, the global leader in CRM made a big announcement in the health industry about the salesforce vaccine cloud technology to help government agencies, healthcare organisations, businesses, non-profit and educational institutions manage their vaccine programmes.

Most of the government and healthcare organisations don’t have the technology infrastructure in place to stem the complexity, speed, safety and scale required for vaccine administration, inventory and logistics management, said the CRM firm. With the moving time now that we are made available to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines. Top 5 Technologies that will Transform Manufacturing Industry in 2021. Top 5 Technologies that will Transform Manufacturing in 2021 by Mobcoder. What is CRM Software- Comprehensive Guide on CRM. Technology in Finance. Technology in Finance: What to look out for in 2021? Talking about the major disruptors in the last decade, Fintech has to be kept under a special category. As a major disruptor, it is influencing every other convention in the market. And with the assistance of some contemporary tools like Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning & Blockchain, the technology in finance has achieved massive success in terms of its adoption.

Look at some amazing stats presented by KPMG, a major consulting firm. According to the firm, in 2019, the Fintech companies will gather around $135.7 billion in investment. And by 2023, the global FinTech industry will touch $158,014.3 million while growing with a whopping CAGR of 9.2%. Despite the disastrous pandemic of Covid-19, financial technology is growing at an unprecedented rate. Google Play Vs. App Store- Basic Differences Between Google Play & App Store App Store. Live Cricket Streaming Apps: Defining the future of the Cricket telecast. Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing the Mobile App Industry. Apple Says, iOS 14.4 fixes three actively exploited security bugs. UI UX Design And Development Company USA. Infographic- What is CRM Software- Comprehensive Guide on CRM. Apple Says, iOS 14.4 fixes three actively exploited security bugs. To do away with the multiple vulnerabilities in a continuous cycle, Apple has released iOS 14.4 update with some security fixes for three reported vulnerabilities.

This promptness comes after some active attacks by hackers. The tech giant has updated a statement in its security update pages for iOS and iPadOS 14.4. The statement reads as follows that the three bugs affecting iPhones and iPads can posses some serious threat and bring many vulnerabilities to the system. Well, the responsible party for exploiting the vulnerabilities is still at loose; or likely who might have fallen active. The tech giant has still mum on the capacity of the attack.

Apple has maintained the clause of anonymity to the individual who informed the bug them. Talking about the bugs: two of them were found in WebKit, known as a browser engine that powers the Safari browser. As these vulnerabilities are chained together, some of the exploits have used this set rather than a single flaw. Google Play Vs. App Store- Basic Differences Between Google Play & App Store App Store. As a businessman, one has got to identify the target marketplace for his or her application.

Artificial Intelligence: Revolutionizing the Mobile App Industry. Web Development Company in USA, UK, Website & Application Development Services. Iphone/ios App Development Service Provider Company Mobcoder. Manual Testing vs Automated Testing. Top 5 Technologies That Will Transform Manufacturing in 2021. Top 5 Technologies That Will Transform Manufacturing in 2021. Manual Testing Vs. Automation Testing. Whatsapp Updates Privacy Policy Status to Clear the Air. Difference Between Google Play And App Store. Difference Between Google Play And App Store. Machine Learning Transforming Mobile App Development.

Machine Learning Transforming Mobile App Development- How Effective? Best Video Conferencing Apps in 2021- Mobcoder. Best Video Conferencing App in 2021 by Mobcoder. Best Live Cricket Streaming Apps 2021. Best Cricket Streaming Apps in 2021- Mobcoder by Mobcoder. Android Mobile App Development Service Provider Company - Mobcoder. Concern over WhatsApp’s new policy. Best Video Conferencing Apps of 2021. 6 Live Cricket Streaming Apps in 2021. 6 Best VIdeo Conferencing Apps for 2021 - Mobcoder. Mobcoder Offers Mobile Apps & Web Development along with UI/UX Design Services. Mobile Application Development & Design Service Provider - Mobcoder. 8 Top Mobile App Development Trends to Look in 2021 - Mobcoder. Watch Out Top Live Cricket Streaming Apps in 2021- Mobcoder.

Flutter vs React Native - What to Choose in 2021? - MobCoder. Augmented Reality(AR) Reshaping Travel And Tourism Industry. Data Privacy is in Threat: Concern over WhatsApp’s new policy.