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Tech For Teachers. EDpuzzle. Safety Sign Generator. The server is working. I'm sorry for the "server busy" messages; the server is working, but if it gets too busy, it gets overloaded, and so you get that message. There's not much I can do about it right now. If you get that message, just be patient and try again later. Welcome to the Safety Sign Generator. Enter some text, choose an emblem and header, and click the 'Go' button. For educational purposes only. See also: Danger Sign. Fast Food Sign Generator - McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Wendy's, Hooters, Arby's, Taco Bell. Movie Marquee Generator. Home. Eric is a Senior Fellow and Thought Leader on Digital Leadership with the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE). Prior to this he was the award-winning Principal at New Milford High School. Under his leadership his school became a globally recognized model for innovative practices.

Eric oversaw the successful implementation of several sustainable change initiatives that radically transformed the learning culture at his school while increasing achievement. His work focuses on leading and learning in the digital age as a model for moving schools and districts forward. This has led to the formation of the Pillars of Digital Leadership, a framework for all educators to initiate sustainable change to transform school cultures. As a result Eric has emerged as an innovative leader, best selling author, and sought after speaker. Eric has received numerous awards and acknowledgements for his work. Eric is the Principal at New Milford High School located in Bergen County, NJ. Wheel Decide. Collaborative Tools. Teacher tools 2.0. Gone Google Story Builder.

Voki Home. Kahoot! | Game-based blended learning & classroom response system. PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative. Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs (for free!) Welcome to the Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs List!

I’m Kate Messner, the children’s author and educator who maintains this site. I started it because I’ve found that virtual author visits are a great way to connect authors and readers, and I realize that many schools facing budget troubles don’t have the option of paid author visits. With that in mind, this is a list of authors who offer free 15-20-minute Q and A sessions with classes and book clubs that have finished reading one of their books. As an author, I offer Skype chats for all of my titles – check out the “Books” tab above for a list! If you’re interested in booking a “virtual visit” with me, please visit my author-Skype page for current availability and directions for requesting a visit! How does a Skype virtual visit work? Authors Who Skype With Classes & Book Clubs (for free!) The following authors offer free 15-20-minute Skype chats with book clubs and classes that have read one of their books! What Is Successful Technology Integration?

Technology integration is the use of technology resources -- computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms and networks, software applications, the Internet, etc. -- in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school. Successful technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is: Routine and transparent Accessible and readily available for the task at hand Supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals When technology integration is at its best, a child or a teacher doesn't stop to think that he or she is using a technology tool -- it is second nature.

And students are often more actively engaged in projects when technology tools are a seamless part of the learning process. Defining Technology Integration Willingness to embrace change is also a major requirement for successful technology integration. Types of Technology Integration Online Learning and Blended Classrooms. Sugata Mitra: Build a School in the Cloud. Study Island in the Classroom by Heather Stamato-Cyrwus on Prezi.

Twitter%20for%20Educators.pdf. Free ebook: “The Digital PIRATE,” tech and PIRATE teaching. So, I made something for you. I hope you like it! Dave Burgess’s book “Teach Like a PIRATE” has been an eye-opener for me and countless other teachers around the planet. The book demonstrates how to use passion and the art of performance to create unforgettable learning experiences. It includes my favorite part, hooks — practical ideas you can implement in class immediately that can boost student engagement. I took on “The 30 Day Pirate Challenge,” where I tried to incorporate something from the book each day to engage, inspire and entertain my students.

In the ensuing reflection post, I shared my successes and failures (yes, there were both!). As I dig deeper into the book, the techie teacher geek in me keeps asking, “How could technology take these ideas to the next level?” Or, another way to phrase it: “How could I become a digital pirate teacher?” Tech integration + PIRATE teaching = exciting learning! I’ve described a few of the ideas in this post. 2. 3. Related October 20, 2014. Zaption - Interact & Learn with Video Lessons. Kahoot! | Game-based blended learning & classroom response system. 30 Trends In Education Technology For 2015. Via TeachThought What’s trending up for 2015 school year in terms of education technology? iPads are still the standard but other platforms are making headway.

That should be fun to watch over the next 3-5 years. Educators are getting better at spotting crap edtech, but waste still abounds. Schools are getting better at thinking tech-first (not in terms of priority, but design). Apps are getting downright brilliant in spots, but in-app purchasing? Below are 30 entirely subjective but hopefully somewhere close to reality takes on what’s trending up and what’s trending down in education and education technology for 2015 and beyond.

Note that this list isn’t an endorsement–meaning this isn’t necessarily the way I think things should be, but rather what they seem to be–at least from my vantage point, right here, right now. What’s trending up, what’s trending down, and what’s in that awkward middle ground of education and education technology? Trending Up Awkward Middle Ground Trending Down. Math Tech Tools. Just Get 10 | Veewo.