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List of Greek words with English derivatives. This is an incomplete list of Greek words with derivatives in English. There are many English words of Greek origin, with a variety of histories: vernacular borrowing, typically passing through Latin and French; learned borrowing directly from Greek; coinage in post-classical Latin or modern European languages; and direct borrowings from Modern Greek. The words (or suffixes) are in Greek alphabetic order, with tables for the 24 Greek letters, listing thousands of related English words.

Transliteration[edit] There are considerable differences between the various transliterations used to represent the Greek alphabet in English. The table in the sidebar shows: In ancient Greek, gamma was used to represent nu before a khi, ksi, kappa and another gamma. Greek words with modern derivatives[edit] The citation form shown is the form most commonly shown in dictionaries, but this form is often unrepresentative of the word as used to form a compound word, hence the root form is also shown. Α[edit] a b g d. Bits & Mortar. Movie Talk: '300,' 'Watchmen' Director Zack Snyder Chosen To Helm Next 'Superman' Film. New Mexico State Vegetables - Chile and frijoles. New Mexico designated chile and frijoles (pinto beans) as the official state vegetables in 1965. Pinto beans are the most widely produced bean in the United States (and one of the most popular).

The pinto bean (in Spanish: "frijol pinto," or painted bean) is an important symbol of regional identity in the southwest, especially among Mexican Americans. The legislative debate over adopting a state vegetable in 1965 centered on the argument that these two vegetables were inseparable, so both the chile and frijole were adopted as New Mexico's official vegetables. Native beans were a staple eaten daily by the Indians of the Southwest. The pinto and lima bean were being cultivated in the Aztec and Inca cultures more than 5,000 years ago. New Mexicans use the word "chile" to describe the plant, the pod, and various dishes made with chile peppers (some parts of the country call stew made with beans, tomatos and chile peppers "chili"). Chile peppers (capsicum annum L.) are native to America.