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What Time Is Primetime Online? According to a study by Lightspeed Research and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB UK), the largest percentage of UK Internet users in all age groups said they were most likely to pay attention to an online advertisement after 6 in the evening. The likelihood of users to pay attention to advertising at other times varied slightly depending on age. The later the day became, the more young adults were interested in online ads. More older users said they were most likely to pay attention to ads from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm, while the fewest indicated the lunch period. Attention to ads also varied based on the activities users were engaged in. The most people said they were not at all likely to notice online ads while e-mailing or instant messaging, followed by watching online video and playing online games.

Look inside eMarketer. The Great GRP Debate. Want to start a brawl in online advertising circles? Just announce that online advertising should adopt the traditional media measurement metrics of reach, frequency and GRPs (gross rating points). This debate, in fact, has been raging for years, practically a lifetime in the Web world. But the tide seems to be turning—in favor of GRP adoption. Certainly, those opposed to applying GRP metrics to the digital realm have their points. Digital insiders argue that standard reach and frequency metrics fail to take into account the Internet’s unique interactive qualities.

Others contend that reach and frequency are inadequate metrics to capture the rich engagement and viral pass-along benefits of social media and video programs. Until recently, I sided with the anti-GRP arguments and dismissed those campaigning for GRP measurements on the Web as naive, thinking, “They just don’t get it, do they?” What made me flip-flop? First, let’s get our definitions straight. —Young-Bean Song Consider what Ms. Is Social Network Advertising Ready for Primetime? Let’s get the bad news out of the way. As a result of the poor economy and various difficulties at MySpace, paid advertising on online social networks in the US is expected to fall 3% in 2009. But the drop will be short-lived. eMarketer projects that US marketers will increase their social network ad spending 13.2% in 2010, to $1.3 billion.

“The expected rebound in spending will come as more companies focus on creating and implementing an overall social marketing strategy,” says Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, Social Network Ad Spending: A Brighter Outlook Next Year. 2009 is turning into a year of major shifts in the social network business.

“Facebook, once a distant second to MySpace, has outperformed its rival in nearly every measure of usage—and is on track to surpass MySpace in ad spending by 2011,” says Ms. “Regardless of which site is in the lead, 2009 is the year of building social marketing strategy,” says Ms. Publishers Hire ComScore To Kill Off The Click-Through. Hey, Online Display Ads Don't Suck After All! Taking the Measure of Brand Measurement. Measurement means different things to different people—but most can agree that in business, measurement is vital to long-term success. But, when exploring online brand measurement today, marketers need to be careful to separate out its two basic components: How successfully and efficiently did I reach my intended target consumer?

Did my advertising campaign influence the consumer’s attitudes, perceptions or behaviors associated with the brand? “One question is about ad effectiveness, and the other is the currency that is bought and sold,” said Young-Bean Song, senior director of analytics at the Atlas Institute for Microsoft Advertising. eMarketer and InsightExpress polled 37 marketing professionals in the field of media measurement. The purpose was to gauge their opinions on the state of online brand measurement. The respondents were asked whether they agreed with the following statement: See all the problems, get all the opinions.

E-Mail Marketing Open and Click-Through Rates. According to the “Email Marketing Metrics Report” by MailerMailer, 12.5% of unique marketing e-mails were opened in the second half of 2008. The figure is down from the first half of 2008, when 13.2% of messages were opened. How often e-mails were opened and clicked varied with the industry of the sender—and the size of the list. Messages delivered to small and medium lists had higher open and click-through rates than messages delivered to lists of 1,000 or more subscribers. Religious and spiritual organizations had the highest open rates among large lists, followed by telecommunications and travel companies. Click-through rates for lists of over 1,000 recipients were also highest for religious e-mails, followed by travel, general consumer and retail.

“A smaller list does not directly affect open and click rates, but mailings to smaller lists may be targeted better, contain more relevant content or have more recent subscribers,” wrote the authors of the report. Never miss a trend. Ad Impression Measurement Guidelines. Measurement Guidelines and Measurement Certification: Overview In November 2004, the IAB and its members, with the support of major global organizations involved in the advertising and research disciplines, joined together to issue a global standard for counting online ad impressions. The initiative marked a number of significant firsts in the advertising industry. It was the first time that any advertising medium had developed a measurement standard that measures the ad itself, as delivered to a consumer, versus other media that measure the programming or content. It was also the first time a medium had launched a “global” measurement standard that has now been accepted by key industry stakeholder organizations in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Other media (such as television, radio and magazines) use different measuring techniques depending on country and region. Audited Technology + Audited Process = High Quality Ad Impression Counts The Guidelines Auditor Information FAQs 1. Essential Metrics for Online Marketers. Topic: Essential Metrics for Online Marketers How to create a simple metrics dashboard to track what really matters. You can listen to a recording of this clinic here: Essential Metrics for Online Marketers Many marketers feel overwhelmed by the volume of data generated by all the reporting programs they have in place at different levels of the marketing process.

Do you need all those figures? And how do you identify and analyze the metrics that do matter? In this brief we cut through the clutter and show you how to: Understand where and how your current metrics could be misleading and result in flawed marketing decisions. SECTION 1 – The key to identifying and tracking the most important metrics is to understand your own business model. Web analytics reporting tools track and report an increasing number of metrics. The danger here is that you can become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data. The key is not to be distracted by metrics that simply don't matter to your business. Why? Credits: IAB Social Media Ad Metrics: A Weird Media Science and Common Se. The IAB released its Social Media Ad Metrics report earlier this month . It’s a mixture of Weird Media Scientology and a much needed dose of common sense on how we measure value and benefit in Social Media and Online PR.

Common sense is delivered via a bunch of sensible quantitative metrics for measuring Social Media effectiveness, broadly around notions of traffic acquisition, conversions and ‘coverage’. The report breaks this down by result: traffic measurements, actions, conversation, relevancy, credibility, and interactions – all of which can be used, matrix-style, to assess whether or not a campaign is sticking or gaining play. This tool set will give clients in every sector a sensible view of how to measure their returns.

Importantly, the report doesn’t provide guidance on softer brand benefits like sentiment or share of voice, both of which can be broadly viewed as comparative exercises, and are now being served by a variety of paid for monitoring tools. Introducing Conversation Impact - Social Media Measurement for M. Online Marketing Effectiveness. What is the best way to generate sales online? While the answer may vary slightly depending on the size of the ad budget, a Forbes study says marketers of all sizes should start with search. Forty-eight percent of marketers said that search engine optimization (SEO) was the best method for generating conversions online.

More than one-half of marketers with budgets over $1 million agreed. The next-most-effective conversion tactic for smaller marketers was e-mail and e-newsletters, followed by pay-per-click and search ads, behavioral targeting and page sponsorships. For larger marketers, the list of effective online tactics was nearly the same, except search and e-mail were flipped. Pay-per-impression ads were also more effective for larger marketers (presumably because they have the funds to experiment in an expensive medium).

To build, maintain or change brand perceptions required different tactics, however. Stay ahead of the trends trend. Você conhece todos os números de sua loja? » E-commerceBrasil.or. O trabalho para uma loja online dar certo é o mesmo que em uma loja física, ou seja, muuuuito trabalho. Só que no caso do e-commerce os trabalhos são mais focados em números do que no corpo a corpo que acontece nas lojas de rua ou de shopping. Uma loja só dá certo se seus gestores souberem o que estão fazendo realmente e não ficarem testando no escuro o que aprenderam na faculdade, pós graduação ou mestrado.

Para saber o que fazer no e-commerce é necessário analisar com carinho os milhares de números que sua loja irá gerar através de um bom web analytics. Por isso lhe pergunto, você ou responsáveis da loja VIVEM os números da loja? Digo viver os números porque é isso mesmo que os gestores tem que fazer, acompanhar a cada momento a mudança de cada número e com isso saber onde pode estar o problema quando acontecer. Abaixo cito alguns números que não podem sair da cabeça do gestor da loja: Acho que prá começar já esta bom. Social Media Ad Metrics. This document specifies standard definitions for Social Media Metrics.

With the rapid growth seen in the Social Media space in recent years, many publishers and vendors are offering supplemental performance metrics to their clients as additional ways of gauging ad effectiveness. This document defines these supplemental metrics in more detail in an effort to stimulate growth by making the reporting of metrics for agencies and advertisers across multiple media partners more consistent. The IAB hopes that all players in the Social Media space will coalesce around these metrics to encourage growth through consistency. Social media speaks to a new way of understanding how individual users are interacting with branded content via online publishers, social networks, blogs, and applications. Value is derived not only from the primary distribution of branded content but also the additional interactions that result as users share, participate with, and propagate advertising content.

Banner Ads: Beyond the Click. Online display ads have gotten a bad rap lately. It’s a format, according to many sources, with declining investment and waning effectiveness. But a study from iProspect may have discovered an unexpected benefit of online display ads. When Internet users were surveyed to find out what actions they took when viewing a display ad on an ad-supported Website, nearly one-third said they clicked on the ad. In addition, 27% reported that they did an online search for the product, brand or company, and 21% typed the company Web address in their browser. Nine percent sought additional information using social media tools. That means a click is only one measure of a display ad’s effectiveness. Among respondents who saw a display ad and performed a related search at some point, the largest proportion (38%) visited the advertiser’s site through search results, 11% searched but did not click on any of the results, and 14% searched, visited the site and purchased the product advertised.

Will Digital Marketing Prove Profitable? The economy is putting ever-increasing demands on marketers to make every dollar count and demonstrate positive ROI. According to the “2009 Promo Interactive Marketing Survey” from PROMO magazine, the demand to perform is driving marketers online. More than one-third of marketers surveyed believed that interactive marketing ROI would be more profitable than traditional marketing—such as TV, radio and outdoor—this year.

While 29% of the marketers surveyed were not sure whether digital marketing ROI would be more profitable or not, only 7% of them believed that digital marketing would be less profitable. So it comes as little surprise that 22% of the marketers indicated they would shift dollars from traditional media into the digital space. The problem with shifting funds to digital initiatives is that consumers are gravitating to areas where the metrics are still pretty shaky, such as blogging, social networking, video and word-of-mouth. Go figure... Look inside eMarketer. Previous Article. Social Media ROI. Marketers Moving to Digital Media. In the wake of the global economic downturn, marketers worldwide are shifting more of their budgets into cheaper, more-measurable categories. In most cases, that means online. Although the name of the organization might imply a slight bias, in a survey by the Society of Digital Agencies (SoDA), 81% of respondents said they plan to invest at least as much in digital marketing in 2009 as in the previous year.

More than 77% of traditional advertising agencies are increasing the amount of digital in their budgets by 1% to 29%. And over 10% are upping online budgets by 30% or more. In addition, about 15% of digital agencies, digital service providers and freelancers plan to increase digital budgets by 30% or more. When asked if they were doing more digital work in the wake of the downturn, at least 36% of advertising professionals of all stripes said yes, and many expect to take on significantly more. Look inside eMarketer. Previous Article. Change Marketing v01. Publications Internet Article-Based Ads Grab More Clicks 03/26/2. Trouble viewing this email?

View online here LIGHTSPEED RESEARCH AND IAB UK CONDUCT RESEARCH INTO ESSENTIALS FOR ATTENTION-GRABBING ONLINE ADSStudy finds that younger internet users want to be entertained and older consumers want relevance and usefulness London 19th March 2009: A survey by Lightspeed Research and the Internet Advertising Bureau – the trade body for digital marketing in the UK - has revealed what consumers believe are the kinds of ads most likely to grab their attention online.

The online audience knows they want - adverts that are relevant, useful and the third most popular incentive, money off - but the results reveal that there are key differences by age group when developing appealing creative executions. Younger audiences concerned with entertainment, exclusivity and the freebeesThe survey found that younger audiences are more interested in special offers, the entertainment factor and exclusive information within advertising. Ends.