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Going One-to-One: iPads and Mobile Devices in Education. Tagged with: 1:1iPad This is a guest post from Patrick Fogarty, Faculty Advisor of Instructional Technology at Xaverian High School, Brooklyn, New York. If you are interested in contributing to the Edmodo Blog, please complete this form. Introduce yourself to Patrick or follow along @fogarty22! Mobile devices into the classroom, whether they be laptops, netbooks, or tablets, have quickly shifted from amenity to necessity.

At Xaverian High School in Brooklyn, NY, I helped oversee New York City’s first iPad 1:1 integration, a grade 6-12, 1200 person deployment that required additional bandwidth, storage space, charging locations, and much more. As of today, we are one of over two dozen city schools working in iOS 1:1 environments, and we’ve had visitors from across the city and around the world in to see how we run our soon-to-be-paperless school.

Discovering Edmodo Blueprint for a Successful One-to-One Deployment Download Going One-to-One: iPads and Mobile Devices in Education. Video Resources to Help You Introduce Edmodo. Tagged with: resourcesVideo Educators often contact us asking for resources they can use to introduce Edmodo to colleagues at their school, district or at conference sessions. We want to share two great video resources that you can use to help others understand what Edmodo is all about. Edmodo at a Glance This video gives teachers, students and parents a glimpse at Edmodo in-action, and helps them understand how teachers and students connect and collaborate through Edmodo. Why Use Edmodo This video was created by Support Ambassador, Sandy King, using Videoscribe.

Have you made a video or presentation about how you use Edmodo? Edmodo Scavenger Hunt. Edmodo – Where learning happens. | The free and safe social learning platform for education. Edmodo Help Center. Using Edmodo in a k-12 School- lesson 25 | Techie Brekkie. Edmodo Resources. Why I Love Edmodo. Parent Message Example. is a tool that is used almost daily during quarters 3 and 4 when we have our literature studies.

Think of it as a social networking site (like facebook or a blog or twitter) that allows students to write, explore, share, and analyze in a safe and secure way. Students LOVE the interface that offers and it is extremely user friendly. I would like to STRONGLY encourage parents to join my site so that you can see what your child is doing in my classroom. An email blast and paper handout will go home in late January or early February and you will have the opportunity to request a parent code so that you may log in and see what your child is writing and sharing on It is a great tool for engaging parents in what we do in our classroom.

Edmodo for Science.