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From Rapunzel to The Little Red Riding Hood, Beloved Children's Classics as Minimalist Posters. By Maria Popova Visual hyper-distillation of iconic storytelling. As a lover of children’s books, especially classic ones with timeless wisdom for grown-ups, and an admirer of minimalist posters that distill complex stories or ideas in clean graphic elements, I am infinitely delighted by these hyper-minimalist takes on beloved children’s classics by designer Christian Jackson. Positively the most delightful children’s classic remix since The Little Red Riding Hood infographic animation. via Quipsologies Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. You can also become a one-time patron with a single donation in any amount: Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter.

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Welcome to ccMixter. Library | 60second Recap. Can't find your book here? Request a recap! Sort by: Title George Orwell, 1949Famous for: Big Brother, doublethink, and some of the 20th century's most memorable quotes: … The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain, 1884Famous for: Larger-than-life characters, a searing message about slavery, and language that … Animal Farm George Orwell, 1946Famous for: Fighting pigs,"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than other… The Awakening Kate Chopin, 1899Famous for: A free-thinking leading lady who refused to be caged by society's expectations Beowulf Unknown, 600*Famous for: Monsters that could rival some of Hollywood’s; a hero like the world has never k… Brave New World Aldous Huxley, 1932Famous for: Sex, drugs, sex, drugs, sex, drugs...