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Logorama. Top 15 Worst Logo FAILS Ever. Marketers say that one of the most important marketing tools is a good logo design. It not only provides an easy to recognize identity for your business but also communicates who you are. That’s why every company considering creating or buying a logo design should know the criteria that make for an effective logo. The first feature of a good and effective logo is that it can immediately “grab” viewer’s attention. 20 Worst Advertising Placement Fails. When it comes to advertising, companies have to double and triple check everything they’re going to publish.

20 Worst Advertising Placement Fails

However, that is where their limits of control end, and once the ad is released into the wide world, strangest things can happen. For example, who could have thought that sliding Starbucks van door would turn their brand name into a word “Sucks” right next to the logo! Another easy venue for advertising fails is, of course, the Internet, where the last thing a brand can control is what type of content is placed alongside their ad. [Slide Share] 40 tendances illustrées du digital en 2013. Infographie : Fan page : une antisèche pour optimiser ses visuels. John Lewis - The Long Wait. Nikon – Tears. The Break Up. Green Pedestrian Crossing - China Environmental Protection Fund (2010 Campaign) Stop Working. Start Drinking.

P&G London 2012 Olympic Games Film.