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CSS Introduction. CSS in Action. 30 Most Popular CSS Websites of 2011 » Web Design » Design Festival. 50 Beautiful CSS-Based Web-Designs in 2006. Dynamic Page / Replacing Content. By Chris Coyier On This article is an update to this old article, which had an ugly demo and a variety of techniques in it no longer probably considered good practices.

This new demo is much cleaner, up to date, and fuller featured. Because the old article was a bit of a different scope, I'll leave it alone, just refer to this one. Update January 2013: There are better practices now, detailed here. Let's say you wanted to make a website where clicking buttons in the nav would dynamically load some content.

View Demo Download Files #The HTML: It all works without JavaScript There is no excuse for the navigation of a website to be completely broken without JavaScript enabled. The navigation links to the files that contain that content, and are fully formed functional pages on their own. <nav><ul><li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li><li><a href="about.php">About</a></li><li><a href="contact.php">Contact</a></li></ul></nav> #jQuery JavaScript The JavaScript is the fun part here! #Prereq #Code Dump.