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Publishing Perspectives - International publishing news & opinion. Hey, There's A Dead Guy in the Living Room. Jeff Cohen In just a little less than five weeks, Condoleeza Rice will deliver the commencement address at Rutgers University, just a hair under two miles from where I live. This impending event has raised a good deal of angst and ire among the faculty and some students of the university. I'm an alum and a part-time lecturer there, so I have some perspective from a number of angles.

I don't like to discuss politics in this forum, but without going into detail we can assume that Dr. Rice and I might agree on some pieces of classical music and little else. Since it is highly unlikely we'll ever meet (there will be upwards of 50,000 people at the commencement, and we're not all getting face time), the point is probably irrelevent. The debate that has gone on since Ms. Fine. I should point out at this moment that I will definitely be attending the commencement despite my sincere objections to the speaker. The Rice speech evokes free speech issues for me. We won't discuss hate speech.

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