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Michael Lowenthal

I work as an instructional designer.

Free eLearning Resources. Technology - Gamification: Is it game over? Taking the rules of video games and applying them to everyday life was billed as the next big thing, something that would transform everything from dull office work to how we exercise. But can it really work? Brushed your teeth this morning? Congratulations, you get 20 points. Hit your quarterly performance target early? Good work, you get half a day's extra holiday. You voted in the recent elections so you get your third citizenship badge. But you've slipped another two places down your gym's fitness leaderboard, so that means an extra few miles on the treadmill next week. If this all sounds like an Orwellian nightmare, think again. Gamification is a buzz word used to describe systems that take elements of everyday games like chess and Donkey Kong and applies them to everyday life.

But if you think it is just tech-savvy teens hoping for a cheap latte that are in on the game, think again. But now there seems to be a growing backlash. Power up Mysterious medium Rewards scheme. Prezi For The Win? Ten Top Tips To Make a Good One. Update, May 2013: I’ve re-updated a newer guide to Prezi, actually in Prezi itself: See also: 6 useful things Prezi can which even experienced users miss The ten tips of the title are near the top of this post – it’s quite long, so don’t worry about reading the examples bit if you just want the nuts and bolts. [Update: I've also created a slide-deck which acts as a simpler version of this post - you can read and view it here.

It also includes a more advanced Prezi with screen-grabs detailing how it was made.] I’ve created or had a hand in creating three Prezis that have made it into the public arena (plus some previous attempts that I’ve deleted). Prezi has its critics, but I like it a lot – it’s nice to engage people in a different way to what they’re used to. A lot of librarians seem fed up with it but remember, the people you are presenting to might not necessarily be blasé and weary Info Pros! Ten Top Tips Create your structure first, fill in the details afterwards.


CoherentOrgFurther.png (1109×677) Part 1: The Tin Can API – Why Should eLearning Professionals Care? [w/ audio] | Create engaging online courses quickly with Curatr. Electric Rain - Online Store: Swift 3D, Swift 3D MAX, Swift 3D LW, Swift 3D Xpress, ZAM 3D, Convexion. What MIT Should Have Done. Ten thousand students have just taken the final exam in MITx's course "6.002x Circuits and Electronics.

" The sheer size of this course (120,000 first registered back in March), the high-wattage backing of MIT for a certificate of completion to all those who make it through to the end, and the free, open access nature of this MOOC (a "massive open online course") seemingly ushers in a fundamentally new paradigm in higher education. When coupled with the recent headlines about similar ventures such as Coursera, Udacity, and MIT's own new partnership with Harvard to form edX, the policy world has been positively aglow: David Brooks calls it a "campus tsunami"; John Chubb proclaims it an "historic transformation"; Thomas Friedman writes, simply, "welcome to the college education revolution.

" In one respect, such adulation is completely understandable. Indeed. But there is a problem. A fundamental problem. MIT could have done so much more. Until now. And that makes sense. About the Author.