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Les stars ont grossi. Le concours Photoshop des internautes. INSOLITE - Quelques kilos en plus peuvent tout changer.

Les stars ont grossi. Le concours Photoshop des internautes

Le site Worth1000 le démontre avec cette galerie de montage photos où les stars subissent une métamorphose. Madonna, Brad Pitt, Justin Bieber ou Scarlett Johansson sont ainsi les victimes d'un relooking un peu particulier. Le site Worth1000 lance des concours sur une thématique: les stars pauvres, les ruines modernes, Stars Wars extravaganzia... et es photoshoppeurs du monde entier proposent des visuels. A la fin ils élisent le gagnant. Loading Slideshow Et si les stars se laissaient aller 2 sur 39. Top 35 des affiches et campagnes de pub choc contre le SIDA. Slogans contenant "oser" - Souslelogo. 34 Awesome Poster Designs. 200 World’s Most Creative and Sophisticated Advertising Posters For Inspiration. In this post we will showcase the world’s most creative and sophisticated ads for your inspiration.

200 World’s Most Creative and Sophisticated Advertising Posters For Inspiration

The ads that strike me the most are the ones that can combine a good idea with a good execution. Now, advertisers have used fully the strength of Art itself, as an objectives to attract peoples to see, read and know the newly branding products. Advertising is no more purely to show off the new branding but also, the will power of arts too. Advertising Posters are great at getting people’s attention as long as you don’t make them too text heavy and you include an eye-catching most effective graphic in look-at-me colors. Creative agencies are getting better and better at impressing their audience through incredibly artistic, thought provoking and controversial images. Best print advertising. Print advertising: 85 brilliant examples. In these days of digital media, it's easy to overlook the art of print ads.

Print advertising: 85 brilliant examples

But the medium is still as relevant and powerful as vintage posters ever were, whether small scale magazine ads or huge billboard advertising. As Paul Arden states in It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be: "Print advertising should be recognisable at a hundred paces, and it should be obvious who it's an ad for without seeing the brand name. " No matter what the medium, you still need a concept that's going to stick in people's minds. We think these examples of print advertising do just that. 01.

The way kids play these days has changed dramatically; gaming apps are more popular than ever and when you're not looking, your little sprog has more-than-likely purchased a few extras to make their gaming experience even better. 02. Sometimes going for a simpler approach makes the most impact. Playing with typography and bright colours, this campaign from IKEA is as lovely to look at as it is clever. 10 short videos to Inspire your day. 36 Stunning Magazine and Publication Layouts for your Inspiration — Inspiration Hut - Art and Design Blog. 60 Best Print Advertising Campaigns. The print advertising is the fastest way to communicate the message to the target audience.

60 Best Print Advertising Campaigns

If print media ads in brochures, print catalogs, flyers, posters and even billboards are creatively done in a funny way, catching the attention of readers will be a lot easier. Most companies today make sure to achieve this creative idea for their print advertising campaigns to stand out among others. Print advertising which are very distinctive, striking and sometimes humorous are the most successful.

I love print advertising compaigns, When you need to get a lot of attention for little money, turn to posters. Best print media advertising campaigns posters aren’t only for use on the side of your building; billboards are also considered a form of printing. You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well. For any company trying to get their product or service out in print format, the task is ever more challenging and difficult. Red Balloon: Machine UK Goodyear: City.

30 Super Innovative Print Ad Campaigns. 30 Super Innovative Print Ad Campaigns Most advertising is thoroughly underwhelming.

30 Super Innovative Print Ad Campaigns

Open up any newspaper or magazine and you’ll find a real lack of inspiration with so many old ideas rehashed for a different audience or product. Truly creative, imaginative and inventive print ads do not come along that often, so when they do, they’re worth celebrating. Take a look at the 30 print ads below and you’ll be wowed by the totally original concepts and ideas they contain. This really is advertising at its very best. Volvo In this ad, Volvo wanted to make the point that we spend as much time in our cars as we do in our living rooms. Sony PlayStation ‘Live in your world, play in ours’ is the slogan at the bottom of this terrific ad, which blurs the lines between reality and virtual reality. Sky Movies Sometimes, advertisers have to take risks. Another inconspicuous advertising effort, this time for the Royal National Institute of the Blind. Creative and Clever Newspaper Ads. In the modern digital age, people have access to a number of sources to keep updated with the latest news from all around the world.

Creative and Clever Newspaper Ads

It is an undeniable fact that newspapers aren’t as effective as they once were; but it does not mean that it has put an end to the marketing campaigns. However, in order to get an advertisement effective, it needs to be planned more strategically than before.Newspaper advertising is still the first kind of advertising that businesses think about doing and has been around longer than any other form of advertising we see today. I have handpicked some of the most creative and clever newspaper advertisements from around the world. Take a break and get inspired from these works. Print advertising: 70 brilliant examples. 110 Creative Advertisement for Inspiration.