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Project Management

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The Role of a Product Owner: Life in the Fast Lane. In part one of this series of posts on the role of a product owner, we explored the responsibilities and characteristics of the product owner.

The Role of a Product Owner: Life in the Fast Lane

In this second post, we will explore the day-to-day activities of a product owner within the context of a sprint to further investigate the role. For the sake of brevity, I have chosen to focus on a single Scrum team performing two-week sprints as the basis for this post. This is just an example, and every team is different. I’ll cover standard Scrum events (shown in italics) plus additional common activities. Day 1: Sprint Planning The Scrum team attends the sprint planning collaborate and agree on a plan of what will be performed during the new sprint. The Product Owner: Responsibilities and Characteristics. Agile Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Action. Very often the construction of a Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence (DW / BI) system is performed following the flow of traditional engineering: analysis, design, construction, testing and implementation.

Agile Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Action

Communication between developers and people interested in the business is almost nonexistent, and developers are interested in technologies for working with data but often neglect to ask this most important question: "What business questions do we want to answer with the available data in order to support the decision-making process? " In this article, I will discuss how to build DW / BI systems following many of the practices and agile principles mentioned in the book of Ken Collier: Agile Analytics: A Value-Driven Approach to Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing.

Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence (DW / BI) system A system has inputs, processes and outputs. Considering this approach, the inputs are all sources from which we need to extract data. Agile Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Action. Google. _Pulse_PMO-Frameworks. The 3 Different Types of Project Management Offices (PMO)

There are 3 basic types of Project Management Office (PMO) organisations, varying in the degree of control and influence they have on projects within the organisation.

The 3 Different Types of Project Management Offices (PMO)

You will need to determine which type you need to establish in order to have an effective project office. The 3 types of PMOs include: 1. Supportive PMO The Supportive PMO generally provides support in the form of on-demand expertise, templates, best practices, access to information and expertise on other projects, and the like. 2. In organisations where there is a desire to "rein in" the activities, processes, procedures, documentation, and more - a controlling PMO can accomplish that. 3.

This type goes beyond control and actually "takes over" the projects by providing the project management experience and resources to manage the project. The best type is very specific to the organisation, culture, and history of what works and what does not. . - website. Article Categories. PROJEKTMANAGEMENT ALS ZENTRALER SERVICE. Projekte sind das zentrale Instrument, um den Wandel und die Innovation im Unternehmen zu fördern.


Das erfolgskritische Projektmanagement-Know-how sollte daher über eine zentrale Serviceeinheit – ähnlich dem Personalwesen oder der IT – gesteuert werden. Consulting für Project Management Offices (PMO) TPG - The Project Group. Zentrale Standards und Optimierungen Die wichtigste Basisfunktion des PMO ist aber die Standardisierung und Optimierung der Prozesse und Werkzeuge für das Projektmanagement.

Consulting für Project Management Offices (PMO) TPG - The Project Group

Zudem sind die Projektbeteiligten bei der Anwendung des so geschaffenen PM-Systems zu beraten. Dazu gehört unter Umständen auch die Ausbildung. Auf jeden Fall begleitet das PMO aber die Projektleiter bei der operativen Projektarbeit. Koordination von Projekten und Ressourcen Eine weitere Stufe in der Etablierung eines PMO ist die Koordination von untereinander abhängigen Projekten und Programmen. Regulierung des Portfolios Zudem kann auch die Genehmigung von neuen Projektanträgen sowie die dafür nötige Priorisierung vom PMO übernommen werden. Viel Erfahrung im Aufbau und mit Werkzeugen für ein PMO Die Experten von TPG The Project Group unterstützen Sie durch PMO Consulting, Training und Coaching beim Aufbau Ihres Project Management Office. Wie Sie wichtige Aufgaben des PMOs mit IT-Lösungen richtig unterstützen. BI specific requirements engineering – part 1. (Thanks to my co-author Alexander van’t Wout for supporting me writing this blog post!)

BI specific requirements engineering – part 1

Collecting requirements for BI front end tools is often frustrating. Imagine a sales conversation at your local car dealer. After some small talk you are going to tell the salesperson about your interest in buying a brand new car. Nothing easier than this you might think. BI Picture Books (BI specific requirements engineering – part 2) Part 1 of this article you’ll find here.

BI Picture Books (BI specific requirements engineering – part 2)

Illustrate available options using a BI Picture Book A BI Picture Book is a structured collection of “pictures” aka screenshots of features illustrating one or multiple products. It describes and illustrates the available options in a compact and easy to handle manual. It should help the user to identify what options they have in a given BI front end application.Referring to scenario A and B above, in an ideal world one would create a BI Picture Book during the initial tool selection process (scenario B). In this context, the BI Picture Book helps to illustrate the available features of the different tools under consideration.

Based on the previously described structure, the BI Picture Book should contain notes which highlight unique features of one tool compared to the rest of available (or evaluated) tools, e.g. a specific chart type which is only available in one tool. How to build a BI Picture Book 1. 2.