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Guitar Hardware

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Warmoth Custom Guitar Parts - Custom bass and guitar bodies and necks. EverTune bridge keeps your guitar in tune. EverTune bridge keeps your guitar in tune Want your guitar to stay in tune, but can't afford a Gibson Robot Les Paul?

EverTune bridge keeps your guitar in tune

EverTune has a product in the works that will help. It won't help you switch tunings, or tune the guitar for you like Gibson's effort, but once you've tuned a guitar with an EverTune bridge, it apparently stays tuned forever. There's nothing digital on board, just "simple mechanical principles". As your strings or tuning posts loosen, an adaptive spring-tensioner compensates, and keeps tension locked exactly to where you set it. Fender Guitar Parts Made to Vintage Spec. Rare Guitar Parts : Vintage Guitar Parts, Guitar Bridges, Tuners, Necks, Bodies, Pickups, Hardware and Electronics. Warmoth Custom Guitar Parts - Custom bass and guitar bodies, necks, pickups, pickguards and hardware. Guitar & Bass Parts Resource. Aguilar Amplification: Bass Pedals, Bass Pickups, Bass Preamps, Bass Amplifiers, and Bass Speaker Cabinets.

Luthiers Mercantile International, Inc. Guitar Builder Wood and. Home Page. Bass Guitar Parts. STEWMAC.COM : Guitar Parts, Bass, Banjo, Mandolin, Hardware, Tools, Supplies, Free Information.