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Language and Data Structures Definitions

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Planet JavaScript. Java. Python apache. Lambda Expressions (C# Programming Guide) Python: Lambda Functions. Python supports the creation of anonymous functions (i.e. functions that are not bound to a name) at runtime, using a construct called "lambda".

Python: Lambda Functions

This is not exactly the same as lambda in functional programming languages, but it is a very powerful concept that's well integrated into Python and is often used in conjunction with typical functional concepts like filter(), map() and reduce(). This piece of code shows the difference between a normal function definition ("f") and a lambda function ("g"): As you can see, f() and g() do exactly the same and can be used in the same ways.

First-class function. Concepts[edit] Higher-order functions: passing functions as arguments[edit] map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]map f [] = []map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs.

First-class function

B tree tutorial java.