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Drush. Cron Debug. Debugging cron jobs in Drupal 7.x Cron Debug will help you find cron processes which fail due to programming or runtime errorstime out (PHP, server, database)are very slow Cron Debug will also allow you to test run specific cron functions while not running others. This can be nice for developing cron functions where you don't want to run a full cron.php with all maintenance, alerts and other tasks every time you test your own function. Please notice... Due to health problems (severe unfortunately - MS) I can't maintain my modules as keenly as I want to, and will in periods not be actively following up on issues. Cron Debug can run cron hooks while registering success and time elapsed for each. If a cron process times out, hangs or fails, you can see which ones finished succesfully and which single one did not finish properly by looking in the log when returning to Drupal's reports.

Notice that your regular cron jobs will run as usual if you have set them up. Also notice that Installation. Examples for Developers. Follow the Examples project on Twitter: The Examples for Developers project has a Gittip team page. You can contribute financially to the project: Code Examples For Drupal The Examples for Developers project aims to provide high-quality, well-documented API examples for a broad range of Drupal core functionality.

The Examples project contains many modules which hopefully illustrate best practices for implementing various Drupal APIs. Developers can learn how to use a particular API quickly by experimenting with the examples, and adapt them for their own use. Note also that these modules demonstrate internals for Drupal development in PHP (and some JavaScript). How To Use These Modules As Modules You can enable these modules just like any others. API.Drupal.Org You can also browse the documentation generated from this project on Browse The Repo Adapt The Code Core Only How can you help? I'm glad you asked: Theme developer. Devel. A suite of modules containing fun for module developers and themers ... Devel Helper functions for Drupal developers and inquisitive admins. This module can print a summary of all database queries for each page request at the bottom of each page.

The summary includes how many times each query was executed on a page (shouldn't run same query multiple times), and how long each query took (short is good - use cache for complex queries).Also a dprint_r($array) function is provided, which pretty prints arrays. Useful during development. Similarly, a ddebug_backtrace() is offerred.much more. Generate content Accelerate development of your site or module by quickly generating nodes, comments, terms, users, and more. Devel Node Access (DNA) View the node access entries for the node(s) that are shown on a page.