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Instagram. Bon Voyage Illustration by Mackenzie Barker. T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST. Tip Type by Mackenzie Barker. Writing with Humanity: Creating Conversational Copy | Sparkbox. Clear, concise, well-thought out, and carefully written copy makes your writing easier to read, remember, and react upon. Question: What’s the best way to make your writing easy to consume? Answer: Just write how you’d speak.

It sounds simple and obvious at first. But, au contraire, it’s easier said than done. All too often the dark side of convoluted speech draws us back; it’s tempting to revert back to the standards of what was “good” writing back in high school or college. You know, with words you’d never use every day (like “utilize”) and the corporate-y speak that uses four words instead of one (think: “at the current time” instead of “now”).

On Writing Well, by William Zinsser, is considered an authoritative source on writing matters, so I’ll borrow his credibility in this post with a couple excerpts. With conversational copy, you pull people in. Don’t Give in to the Drones This excerpt is golden. “Still, plain talk will not be easily achieved in corporate America. Break it up. Post Illustration by Mackenzie Barker. Daily #designinspiration from this #thriftstore find. #retro.


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