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Mini-labs on Newton's Laws (Middle, Science) - Science News, Technology, Physics, Nanotechnology, Just for Kids. Home Page. Physical Science. Make an electric circuit online - teacher information. Index --- Introduction to electricity --- Voltage, Current, Resistance Go to make an electric circuit online: Introduction to electricity The Electric Circuit webpage was written for Primary School children, aged 7-11, although other ages may find it useful. It is an interactive webpage. This means that you can build up a simple circuit on the screen. The page will tell you if the circuit will work. You can turn the switch on, turn lights on and off, make the motor run, flash the light, and investigate simple facts about electric circuits.

The page does not measure current or voltage explicitly. Setting up the circuit To start with, you make a circuit by clicking on items, and putting them in the circuit by clicking on the grey part of the wire. This high-lights important facts about an electric circuit. Changing the circuit You can then change the circuit and observe the results. If you select a parallel circuit, you will get another circuit off the same battery. Components The Science Bit! Simple Machines Activities - Lever - Pulley - Wedge - Screw - In.