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Social media (English & Spanish)

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A collection of articles and resources (both in English and Spanish) for those who want to get started in social media and digital marketing.

20 Google+ Pages That Your Business Should Follow (Part I) Posted July 9, 2013 by John Anyasor | Google Plus continues to grow into a stronger social media platform everyday. Since turning two last week, Google Plus has seen more than 500 million users to date. As you can see, the platform contains a massive quantity of potential for businesses to take advantage of. Additionally, several resources exist to help you become an expert on Google+. We realize a great deal of Google Plus information is available on the Internet, from how to use Google Plus Business pages for your website to how authorities share priceless business knowledge.

Below, we compiled 20 Google+ page recommendations to follow if you manage a small business. Successful business people to follow on Google Plus.Google Plus pages on the subjects of Google Plus and Google for Business.Winning examples of Google Plus Business pages. Google Plus Pages of Business People +Ana Hoffman – Does the phrase “big web traffic for small budgets” sound appealing to you? Finished? These 5 Posts Will Increase Your Facebook Engagement Overnight. A lot of businesses create Facebook pages and then assume their fans will engage with every post. Bad assumption! Just because someone has Liked your fan page doesn’t mean they’ll Like & comment on your posts. After all, you aren’t “Friends” with them. The ONLY way to capture the attention of your fans is to publish great posts that entice them to engage. Here are 5 posts that will do that: 5 Posts to Increase Engagement on Facebook Immediately 1. Every time I post a funny picture like this and then ask fans to caption it, the response is huge.

People just love to add their funny comments to photos like this. I posted this image while writing this blog post and quickly have gotten 20 shares, 20 likes and 10 comments. We already know that photos get great Edgerank in Facebook. Check out Josh’s post where he shows you how to find awesome photos to share on Facebook if you’re having trouble finding images. 2. Quotes are maybe the simplest way to increase engagement on your page. Why? 3. 4. 5. Why? Ideas y recursos para crear contenidos efectivos en redes sociales y blogs.

A scientific guide to posting Tweets, Facebook posts, Emails and Blog posts at the best time. 10.7K Flares 10.7K Flares × We’re pretty keen on optimal timing for social media here at Buffer, and I figured it was high time I collected all the information we have about online communication into one place. I’ve collected research and stats on Twitter, Facebook, email and blogging to help you find the best time to communicate with others in each format. The tricky thing I’ve come across is that since the web is still so new, a lot of the research available to us is conflicting. We really need more time and more studies to get definitive answers about what works best, and the fact that our audience members are constantly changing their own activity patterns makes it even harder to work out for sure. So my suggestion would be to use this guide as just that—a guide to help you work out what to test for your own audience, so that you can see what actually works best in your specific case.

Let’s get into the stats then! Facebook – find the best time to post your updates. NameGenWeb en Facebook. #ASCD12-A Presentation On Creating Social Media Policies For Schools And Districts. Tweek, concurso de microrrelatos. (1) Eric Sheninger (nmhs_principal) en Twitter... “you simply can’t train people to be social!” Over the past year I have been working on change initiatives to improve collaboration and knowledge-sharing with two large companies, one of them a multinational. In each case, implementation has boiled down to two components: individual skills & organizational support. Effective organizational collaboration comes about when workers regularly narrate their work within a structure that encourages transparency and shares power & decision-making. I have also learned that changing work routines can be a messy process that requires significant time, much of it dedicated to modelling behaviours. My Internet Time Alliance colleague, Jane Hart, notes, ” … as for the new social and collaboration skills that workers require, well you simply can’t train people to be social!

What was required was getting down and dirty and helping people understand what it actually meant to work collaboratively in the new social workplace, and the value that this would bring to them.” Scribr.

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Curso sobre Redes Sociales Virtuales: Profesionales del 2.0. Google+ tools. Facebook tools. Social media tools.