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How I Was Able to Ace Exams Without Studying | zen habits. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Scott Young of In high school, I rarely studied. Despite that, I graduated second in my class. In university, I generally studied less than an hour or two before major exams. However, over four years, my GPA always sat between an A and an A+. Recently I had to write a law exam worth 100% of my final grade. Right now, I’m guessing most of you think I’m just an arrogant jerk. Why do Some People Learn Quickly? The fact is most of my feats are relatively mundane.

The story isn’t about how great I am (I’m certainly not) or even about the fantastic accomplishments of other learners. It’s this different strategy, not just blind luck and arrogance, that separates rapid learners from those who struggle. Most sources say that the difference in IQ scores across a group is roughly half genes and half environment. Rote memorization is based on the theory that if you look at information enough times it will magically be stored inside your head. 1.

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The Joy Project + Anti-Binge Strategies. When shopping, make a list before going. ALWAYS shop on a full stomach. Stick to ONLY those items on your list. Never eat from a bag or box. Always portion out single-serving sizes into a bowl or onto a plate. Put the rest away before you BEGIN to eat. Avoid eating in front of the TV, or when engaging in other activities. NEVER LET MORE THAN 3-4 HOURS PASS BETWEEN MEALS!!!!!!!

Protein, protein, protein! If you want to eat ice cream, candy, cookies, cake, etc, by all means, do so. Make sure that your kitchen is well-stocked with 'safe' foods. Restrict the amount of money you carry with you. When cooking, avoid tasting. Avoid unnecessary exposure to food. If you choose to keep binge food around, be sure to store it where it is out of sight. Sit down and ask yourself why you are tempted to binge. Go for a walk, call a friend, turn on the TV, or find some other distracting activity Paint your fingernails, learn to knit, or find some other way to keep your hands busy.

Is ESP Real? Bem's Cornell Study Focuses on Psychic Powers | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. Miller-McCune. Rather than accepting or rejecting controversial findings — like Daryl Bem’s upcoming paper on ESP — based on preconceived notions, how about approaching them with scientific scrutiny? One evening more than a decade ago, I attended a talk by Daryl Bem, a well-known psychologist, at Reed College in Portland, Ore. Bem claimed that humans might be capable of precognition, or the ability to predict the future. As a newly minted Reed psychology graduate, Bem inspired me to write a computer program to test my own precognitive abilities. I happened to tell my boss and mentor at Reed, Allen Neuringer, about my little self-experiment.

Allen, a wonderful person and adviser, and a behaviorist interested in hard facts, looked at me, paused for a moment, said “ESP doesn’t exist,” and walked away. An upcoming issue of the prestigious Journal of Personality and Social Psychology will publish scientific evidence indicating that Allen was wrong. Endless questions would follow: How does it work? Tutorials by Lee. ONE MINUTE MARKET BAG.

This bag will literally take you one minute to make, although I'm going to give additional steps that will add both time and features or options to your market bag. The one-minute version takes one tank top. I've grabbed one, basically at random, from my pile of tees and tanks. The bag starts here Turn the shirt inside out and stitch the bottom edges together, being careful not to stretch the fabric. Turn it right side out. You're done! Did someone say something about wanting a flat bottom on the bag? Centered seam Lay it out carefully, so that the seam is centered on the point of a right triangle at each end. Pattern in place Stitch close to the pattern, and unpin. No need to cut Now your bag has a flat bottom, but it isn't very sturdy, so measure it and cut a piece of cardboard to fit. Isn't this pretty cardboard? Drop the cardboard into the bag, fitting the points of the corners into the points of the bag bottom.

Done! Hmmm. Holding plenty, and still room for more.