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Why 'I Love You' Isn't Enough. What Porn Does to Intimacy. The rapid proliferation of pornography is one of the digital age’s legacies; some 40 million people in the United States visit porn websites regularly, many of them emerging or young adults.

What Porn Does to Intimacy

Popular media have capitalized on cautionary tales about porn addiction and stories of boyfriends objectifying their girlfriends and wanting them to behave like porn stars. But studies confirm that the preponderance of young men—and slightly less than half of women—thinks that watching sexually explicit material is okay. wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock That’s what Spencer B. 50 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships. Shutterstock If you can say yes to most of these, it's very likely you're in a healthy relationship: 1.

50 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

You can name your partner’s best friend and identify a positive quality that the person has. 2. You and your partner are playful with each other. 3. 4. Why the Way You Fight Can Threaten Your Relationship. If there’s one thing couples researchers have pounded into our heads in the last few years, it’s that it’s better to fight than to disengage.

Why the Way You Fight Can Threaten Your Relationship

CandyBox Images/Shutterstock John Gottman is most famous for his claim that he can predict divorce with 94 percent accuracy after only a few minutes of exposure to a couple (Buehlman, Gottman & Katz, 1992). He attributes this prediction, at least in part, to his ability to identify what he terms “the four horsemen of the apocalypse.” These include criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. Among the four, stonewalling—withdrawing to avoid conflict—might be the most toxic. He’s much more hopeful about engaged fighting than disengaged fighting. Disengaged fighting looks like this: We have a conflict, you say something that hurts me, and I don’t talk to you for the rest of the day.

There are a lot of explanations for why being the object of this type of withdrawal is particularly damaging. Couples therapists know this. References. 16 Ways to Fall in Love All Over Again » Marriage365. You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling…oh that lovin’ feeling, oh that lovin’ feeling, now its gone, gone, gone….

16 Ways to Fall in Love All Over Again » Marriage365

A familiar song to many of us who have at one point or another feel like we’ve lost all of our romance that we once had. Remember how sweet and passionate things were when you were dating. I’m sure they include a lot of handholding, kissing, cuddling, date nights, surprises, gifts and dreaming together. Those were the days when you couldn’t get enough and wanted to spend every waking moment in each others arms. I remember when we were dating, one night we talked all the way through til sunrise.

So fast forward to your wedding day, and then to your honeymoon, and now years of being married, with kids, the bills, the laundry, the meetings at work and so many responsibilities and somewhere the feeling of being in love is rarely present in your relationship. *Plan your next date night and stick to it *60 second blessing *Flirt with each other often *Make out *Start a new hobby together. 10 Little Things Happy Couples Remember To Do Every Day. Ancient men discovered fire-making in a not so easy manner of friction.

10 Little Things Happy Couples Remember To Do Every Day

And just like fire-making, starting up and maintaining a good relationship is not an easy task that couple must do for a long period of time. Relationships start with a spark that will later on turn to flame. 10 Habits for a Happy Marriage. The key to a happy marriage is the quality of your habits, according to therapists Ashley Davis Bush and Daniel Arthur Bush.

10 Habits for a Happy Marriage

Thankfully, healthy habits can be learned. In their book 75 Habits for a Happy Marriage Davis Bush, LICSW, and Bush, Ph.D, share a variety of practical, valuable tips for couples to reconnect, communicate better and enhance their intimacy. That’s because love consists of these three components: connection, communication and intimacy. As they note in their book, connection includes feeling close to your partner, having shared values and caring about your partner’s needs.

Communication includes understanding and being understood. Intimacy includes being vulnerable and authentic with each other or “naked” physically, emotionally and spiritually. Here are 10 habits from 75 Habits for a Happy Marriage to help you enhance your connection, communication and intimacy. 1. For instance, you might say, “I love being married to you” or “You matter to me.” 2. 3. Why We Keep Secrets From Our Partners. Not everyone feels completely comfortable engaging in self-disclosure, even to the people we hold most dear.

Why We Keep Secrets From Our Partners

Early in a relationship it seems particularly difficult to know just how much to reveal to the other person. However, you would think that by the time a couple gets really close, they’d be unlikely to hold back. Intrigued by the question of who keeps secrets, and why, University of Tennessee psychologist Beth Easterling teamed up with colleagues from East Carolina University (2012) to find out specifically whether sexual orientation might influence the level of disclosure in close relationships.