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» Obamacare Myths Debunked. When the Supreme Court upheld the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act last week, the rhetoric started flying fast and furious. In lieu of debating the actual merits and policy of the health care law, its opponents have resorted to gross hyperbole and outright lies, calling the bill a “government takeover of health care” and the “largest tax increase in the history of the world” that will add “trillions to our deficits” and mean that “up to 20 million Americans . . . will lose the insurance they already have.” Rather than get caught up in the partisan storm that erupted after the high court ruled that the law could stay, spoke to Jennifer Bard, a law professor and director of the Health Law Program at the Texas Tech University School of Law to explain what provisions do and do not exist in Obamacare, and what the reform will mean for the average consumer in America. “No,” Bard says.

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